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Reclaim your power from narcissists, manipulators, and other toxic people. If you're a highly sensitive person, or identify as an "empath," you may feel easily overwhelmed by the world around you, suffer from "people-pleasing," experience extreme anxiety …

The very things we do to control anxiety can make anxiety worse. This unique guide offers a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based approach to help you recognize the constant chatter of your anxious "monkey mind," stop feeding anxious thoughts, and find …

An Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book Recommendation. Winner of the 4Th International Beverly Hills Book Awards in the category of Addiction & Recovery! Is your addiction taking control of your life? This book provid …

Overcome shame and stigma; and bring a newly felt sense of safety, awareness, and life to your body. If you've experienced rape, sexual abuse, molestation, or sexual trauma, you may feel as if you've lost your sense of self. You may have difficulty setti …

A powerful CBT approach to help you find freedom from obsessive relationship anxiety, doubt, and fear of commitment Do you obsess over your partner's flaws? Does thinking about the future of your relationship leave you imagining the worst-case scenario? W …

In this much-needed book, two renowned borderline personality disorder (BPD) experts offer simple, easy-to-use skills drawn from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) to help you address the most common issues of BPD, suc …

Isn't it time you stopped walking on eggshells? Learn how with this fully revised and updated third edition of a self-help classic--now with more than one million copies sold! Do you feel manipulated, controlled, or lied to? Are you the focus of intense, …

"Jak uzdrowić toksyczne myśli" przedstawia głęboką metodę uzdrawiania, tak współczesną, jak i klasyczną. Sandra Ingerman, terapeutka i praktyk szamański, uczy nas, jak radzić sobie z negatywnymi emocjami poprzez medytacje, wizualizacje i inne ćwiczenia. P …

"Moje imię to Ariadna, czyli tkająca świetlną nić... ...Jestem podróżniczką. W czasie i przestrzeni. Tam, gdzie czas nie płynie liniowo, a przestrzeń jest wielokrotnie zakrzywianą strukturą, podróże są łatwe. Nie wiedziałam o tym od początku. To wiedza uk …

In 1949, Jean Cocteau spent twenty days in New York, and began composing on the plane ride home this essay filled with the vivid impressions of his trip. With his unmistakable prose and graceful wit, he compares and contrasts French and American culture: …

A great mind and a formidable personality, Brahe is also the world's most illustrious noseless man of his time. Told by Brahe and his assistants--a filthy cast of characters--Sublunar is both novel and almanac. Alongside sexual deviancy, spankings, rumina …

Seiobo -- a Japanese goddess -- has a peach tree in her garden that blossoms once every three thousand years: its fruit brings immortality. In Seiobo There Below, we see her returning again and again to mortal realms, searching for a glimpse of perfection …

Charged with sensuality and passion, Pablo Neruda's love poems caused a scandal when published anonymously in 1952. In later editions, these verses became the most celebrated of the Noble Prize winner's oeuvre, captivating readers with earthbound images t …

A clear and effective approach to learning evidence-based DBT skills--now in a fully revised and updated second edition. Do you have trouble managing your emotions? First developed by Marsha M. Linehan for treating borderline personality disorder, dialect …

Join millions of adults around the world who are rediscovering the simple relaxation and joy of coloring! Color and Frame - In the Forest coloring book features the art of Stacy Peterson. Whimsical coloring pages fill this book - from forest scenes, to he …

Set in the early postwar years, it probes the destructive effects of war and the transition from a feudal Japan to an industrial society. Ozamu Dazai died, a suicide, in 1948. But the influence of his book has made "people of the setting sun" a permanent …

Named one of the most important nonfiction books of the 21st century by Entertainment Weekly' Slate' Chronicle of Higher Education' Literary Hub, Book Riot' and Zora A tenth-anniversary edition of the iconic bestseller--"one of the most influential books …

This Color and Frame - Ocean Treasures coloring book is filled with whimsical art based on ocean scenes, plants, and animals. 31 images to color. Images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out so you can frame …

Color and Frame By the Sea coloring book features the art of Ana Davis. Whimsical coloring pages fill this book - from sea turtles, to starfish, to lighthouses, each page holds an imaginative coloring experience. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one sided pages …

This Color and Frame - In the Garden coloring book features the art of Lily Ashbury.Whimsical coloring pages fill this book - from gorgeous florals, to squirrels, to butterflies, each page holds an imaginative coloring experience. 31 images to color. 8 x …

Filled with devotion and lust, sensuality and eroticism, fevers and overtures, these poems showcase some of the most passionate verses in the French language. From the classic sixteenth-century love sonnets of Louise Lab� and Maurice Sc�ve to the piercing …

The Flowers of Buffoonery opens in a seaside sanitarium where Yozo Oba--the narrator of No Longer Human at a younger age--is being kept after a failed suicide attempt. While he is convalescing, his friends and family visit him, and other patients and nurs …

WINNER OF THE 2024 FRENCH-AMERICAN FOUNDATION TRANSLATION PRIZE To research his thesis on contemporary agrarian life, anthropology student David Mazon moves from Paris to La Pierre-Saint-Christophe, a village in the marshlands of western France. Determine …

Narrated by the cosmopolitan Rodrigo S.M., this brief, strange, and haunting tale is the story of Macab�a, one of life's unfortunates. Living in the slums of Rio and eking out a poor living as a typist, Macab�a loves movies, Coca-Colas, and her rat of a b …

The English-language debut of one of Japan's most exciting new writers, The Factory follows three workers at a sprawling industrial factory. Each worker focuses intently on the specific task they've been assigned: one shreds paper, one proofreads document …

In the quiet suburbs, while Dorothy is doing chores and waiting for her husband to come home from work, not in the least anticipating romance, she hears a strange radio announcement about a monster who has just escaped from the Institute for Oceanographic …

With a foreword by Angela Garbes From the president of the Economic Security Project, a book that shows how a just future is around the corner, if we are ready to seize it The Guarantee asks us to imagine an America where housing, health care, a college …

Large Print Easy Color & Frame Cats is full of whimsical art inspired by our favorite feline friends.These 31 coloring pages are filled with cozy kitties, cat toys, cute quotes, and more!Images vary in style and complexity.8 x 10 inch perforated, one-side …

A busy and hectic life can profoundly affect your ability to get a good night's rest. And it's even more difficult to feel relaxed when you stay awake worrying that you won't fall asleep. This vicious circle can quickly rob you of your quality of life, wh …

A powerful argument for separating immigration enforcement from the criminal legal system, by one of the nation's foremost "crimmigration" experts In the fevered battles over immigration, Democrats and Republicans alike agree on this: that migrants who ha …

The Rings of Saturn--with its curious archive of photographs--records a walking tour of the eastern coast of England. A few of the things which cross the path and mind of its narrator (who both is and is not Sebald) are lonely eccentrics, Sir Thomas Brown …

Join millions of adults around the world who are rediscovering the simple relaxation and joy of coloring! The 31 coloring pages are filled with flowers, birds, butterflies, and other sights you might see in a country garden.Perforated, one-sided pages are …

Rediscover the simple pleasure of coloring! Features 31 relaxing images of garden scenery to color. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. Spiral binding allows pages to lay flat w …

Inside a luxury housing complex, two misfit teenagers sneak around and get drunk. Franco Andrade, lonely, overweight, and addicted to porn, obsessively fantasizes about seducing his neighbor--an attractive married woman and mother--while Polo dreams about …

In the years since her tragic death in a car accident at age thirty-two in 1967, Forough Farrokhzad has become a poet as iconic and influential as Lorca or Akhmatova, celebrated as a pioneer of modernist Iranian literature and as a leading figure of conte …

An original argument that the answer to mass incarceration lies not with experts and pundits, but with ordinary people taking extraordinary actions together--written by a leading authority on bail reform and social movements From reading books on mass inc …

Slow down with this adorable sloth-themed coloring book.31 images to color!Spiral binding allows pages to lay flat while coloring.8x10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out to frame or share.This coloring book is made for grown-ups but al …

The bestselling author pulls no punches on what America needs to defeat white supremacy National political commentator Steve Phillips's "politically charged and thoughtfully reasoned" (Kirkus Reviews) How We Win the Civil War helped chart the way forward …

In his great triptych "The Millennium," Bosch used oranges and other fruits to symbolize the delights of Paradise. Whence Henry Miller's title for this, one of his most appealing books; first published in 1957, it tells the story of Miller's life on the B …

This coloring book is filled with whimsical art based on beautiful flowers and plants. Includes 31 easy-to-see images to color. 8 x 10 inch perforated pages allow easy tear out to frame or share. Thicker paper helps prevent marker or pen from bleeding t …

A powerful argument that greater inclusion of women in conservation and climate science is key to the future of the planet Women are disproportionately impacted by climate change--floods, droughts, and extreme temperatures overwhelmingly affect women in …

Here at last is an exciting new edition of the Brazilian modernist epic Macuna�ma: The Hero with No Character, by M�rio de Andrade. This landmark 1928 novel follows the adventures of the shapeshifting Macuna�ma and his brothers as they leave their Amazon …

A groundbreaking collective work of history by a group of incarcerated scholars that resurrects the lost truth about the first women's prison What if prisoners were to write the history of their own prison? What might that tell them--and all of us--about …

The four long narratives in The Emigrants appear at first to be the straightforward biographies of four Germans in exile. Sebald reconstructs the lives of a painter, a doctor, an elementary-school teacher, and Great Uncle Ambrose. Following (literally) in …

"First you take a drink," F. Scott Fitzgerald once noted, "then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you." Fitzgerald wrote alcohol into almost every one of his stories. On Booze gathers debutantes and dandies, rowdy jazz musicians, lost children …

Powerful parenting strategies grounded in polyvagal theory to help you stay connected with your teen, reduce conflict, and set limits with love. When it comes to your teen, do you feel like you're walking on eggshells? Do they lash out at you when you t …

A Leopard-Skin Hat may be the French writer Anne Serre's most moving novel yet. Hailed in Le Point as a "masterpiece of simplicity, emotion and elegance," it is the story of an intense friendship between "the Narrator" and his close childhood friend, Fann …

Narrated in a series of stark, brief vignettes, The Illiterate is �gota Krist�f's memoir of her childhood, her escape from Hungary in 1956 with her husband and small child, her early years working in factories in Switzerland, and the writing of her first …

The New York Times bestselling book that both galvanizes progressives for action and is a balm--from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author "A light in darkness, Alice Walker awakens us to our own power as only she can. . . . Once again, Walker has exceeded ou …

"Do not underestimate the power of the book you are holding in your hands." --Michelle Alexander More than 2 million people are now imprisoned in the United States, producing the highest rate of incarceration in the world. How did this happen? As the dire …

Tell your inner critic to take a back seat, so you can start feeling more calm, confident, and kickass! Negative self-talk can feel like an ever-present roommate who insists on giving you unsolicited opinions about every aspect of yourself-- including yo …

Depression can feel like a downward spiral, pulling you into a vortex of sadness, fatigue, and apathy. In The Upward Spiral, neuroscientist Alex Korb demystifies the intricate brain processes that cause depression and offers a practical and effective app …

Soothe stress, unwind, and feel more joyful--without a cocktail, beer, or glass of wine. Are you tired of hangovers? Do you wish you could think more clearly during the day or feel less anxious at night? Are you curious about that #soberlife? Many of us …

If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), chances are that your persistent obsessive thoughts and time-consuming compulsions keep you from enjoying life to the fullest. But when you are in the habit of avoiding the things you fear, the idea of faci …

A practical and compassionate approach for helping your loved one change. If you have a loved one who is struggling with alcohol or other drugs, you may have feelings of frustration, anger, fear, or sadness. You may also feel powerless and unsure of how t …

Start living with greater courage, confidence, and authenticity! Do you ever worry that you aren't good enough or capable enough, despite your many accomplishments? Have you achieved high levels of success, yet still feel as though you're just "faking it …

Get ahead of your anticipatory anxiety, and start living with flexibility and peace of mind. Do you automatically assume the worst-case-scenario when faced with difficulty? Do you stress about situations that haven't happened yet, or find yourself anticip …

An unapologetic exploration of the Black mental health crisis--and a comprehensive road map to getting the care you deserve in an unequal system. We can't deny it any longer: there is a Black mental health crisis in our world today. Black people die at d …

Fragment książki: () Jesteś kobietą. Stań przed sobą w prawdzie, przejrzyj się w lustrze. Niech w tej chwili nic nie przeszkadza Ci w tej rozmowie z sobą. Jesteś. Po prostu. Ta książka, to Twoje lustro. Przejrzyj się w nim i znajdź te odbicia, które chces …

Ta książka jest zaproszeniem do otwarcia naszych serc, aby przemyśleć na nowo nasz stosunek do choroby i doświadczyć jej w inny sposób. Patrzy mi prosto w oczy: Miałam 12 lat, kiedy moja matka została zdiagnozowana. Tego dnia, Claire, wiedziałam, że ra …

This gem of lyric prose has enchanted both young and old for over half a century and is now a modern classic. Dylan Thomas (1914-1953), one of the greatest poets and storytellers of the twentieth century, captures a child's-eye view and an adult's fond me …

FINALIST FOR THE 2019 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD Named a notable book of 2019 by the New York Times Book Review, Chicago Tribune, Time, and The Guardian As featured by The Daily Show, NPR, PBS, CBC, Time, VIBE, Entertainment Weekly, Well-Read Black Girl, and Chr …

Finalist, ABA Silver Gavel Award for Books The New York Times bestseller that has cemented Elie Mystal's reputation as one of our sharpest and most acerbic legal minds "After reading Allow Me to Retort, I want Elie Mystal to explain everything I don't u …

From the author of Raising Good Humans comes the guided journal to help you stay centered, soothe stress and difficult emotions, and be the parent you truly want to be. For busy, stressed-out parents, it's easy to lose sight of what matters the most--rai …

Named one of the Best Books of the Year by NPR An NPR Best Book of the Year, exploring the impact of Latinos' new collective racial identity on the way Americans understand race, with a new afterword by the author Who are Latinos and where do they fit in …

A legendary lawyer and a legal scholar reveal the structural failures that undermine justice in our criminal courts "An urgently needed analysis of our collective failure to confront and overcome racial bias and bigotry, the abuse of power, and the multi …

Finalist, ABA Silver Gavel Award for Books The New York Times bestseller that has cemented Elie Mystal's reputation as one of our sharpest and most acerbic legal minds "After reading Allow Me to Retort, I want Elie Mystal to explain everything I don't u …

WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD FOR POETRY An iconic figure in the emergence of feminist poetry in South Korea and now internationally renowned, Kim Hyesoon pushes the poetic envelope into the farthest reaches of the lyric universe. In he …

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof first heated up Broadway in 1955 with its gothic American story of brothers vying for their dying father's inheritance amid a whirlwind of sexuality, untethered in the person of Maggie the Cat. The play also daringly showcased the bu …

A leading member of the Senate Judiciary Committee "spells out, in considerable detail, the extent of corporate influence over a variety of issues" in national politics (The New Yorker) As a U.S. senator and former federal prosecutor, Sheldon Whitehouse h …

First published in the 1930s, The Berlin Stories contains two astonishing related novels, The Last of Mr. Norris and Goodbye to Berlin, which are recognized today as classics of modern fiction. Isherwood magnificently captures 1931 Berlin: charming, with …

Rediscover the simple joy of coloring! Features 31 relaxing coloring pages, including cacti, butterflies, flowers, mandalas, and more. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. Thic …

Rediscover the simple pleasure of coloring! Features 31 relaxing images to color, including birds, flowers, mandalas, crystals, and more. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. Th …

Published here in a stunning edition with images created by Carson, several of the twenty-five startling poetic prose pieces have appeared in magazines and journals like The New Yorker and The Paris Review. As Carson writes: "Wrong Norma is a collection o …

Jenny Erpenbeck (the author of Go, Went, Gone and Visitation) is an epic storyteller and arguably the most powerful voice in contemporary German literature. Erpenbeck's new novel Kairos--an unforgettably compelling masterpiece--tells the story of the roma …

"Art dies the moment it acquires authority." So said Japan's quintessential rebel writer Osamu Dazai, who, disgusted with the hypocrisy of every kind of establishment, from the nation's obsolete aristocracy to its posturing, warmongering generals, went hi …

Do you use food to comfort yourself during stressful times? The Intuitive Eating Workbook offers a comprehensive, evidence-based program to help you develop a healthy relationship with food, pay attention to cues of hunger and satisfaction, and cultivate …

Near to the Wild Heart, published in Rio de Janeiro in 1943, introduced Brazil to what one writer called "Hurricane Clarice" a twenty-three-year-old girl who wrote her first book in a tiny rented room and then baptized it with a title taken from Joyce: "H …

Asa's husband is transferring jobs, and his new office is located near his family's home in the countryside. During an exceptionally hot summer, the young married couple move in, and Asa does her best to quickly adjust to their new rural lives, to their r …

The groundbreaking trans-genre work of Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) has been insinuating itself into the structure, stance, and very breath of world literature for well over half a century. Multi-layered, self-referential, elusive, and …

An eloquent and passionate call for educational reparations, from the New York Times bestselling author When Jonathan Kozol's Death at an Early Age appeared in 1967, it rocked the education world. Based on the Rhodes Scholar's first year of teaching in B …

Here, gathered in one volume, are the stories that made Clarice a Brazilian legend. Originally a cloth edition of eighty-six stories, now we have eighty- nine in all, covering her whole amazing career, from her teenage years to her deathbed. In these page …

A groundbreaking "dual narrative" history of Israel and Palestine which offers a new paradigm for the teaching of history in conflict and post-conflict situations "The battle lines of the Israel-Palestinian conflict extend to the classroom, where the two …

"As erudite and sophisticated as hooks is, she is also eminently readable, even exhilarating." --Booklist In Art on My Mind, bell hooks, a leading cultural critic, responds to the ongoing dialogues about producing, exhibiting, and criticizing art and aest …

Discover how attachment theory can help you better understand yourself and your ex, improve your co-parenting skills, and raise happy, emotionally secure kids! If you're like most parents, you want--more than anything--for your child to feel safe, loved, …

The National Book Award-winner Patti Smith updates her treasure box of a childhood memoir about "clear unspeakable joy" and "just the wish to know" with a radiant new afterword, written during the pandemic and reflecting on current times. This expanded pa …

You hear and read a lot about ways to improve your relationship. But if you've tried these without much success, you're not alone. Many highly reactive couples--pairs that are quick to argue, anger, and blame--need more than just the run-of-the-mill relat …

Driven mad by an office job, Lise flies south on holiday -- in search of passionate adventure and sex. In this metaphysical shocker, infinity and eternity attend Lise's last terrible day in the unnamed southern city that is her final destination.

With a new afterword by the authors A powerful, intimate collection of conversations with Indigenous Americans on the climate crisis and the Earth's future Although for a great many people, the human impact on the Earth--countless species becoming extin …

The award-winning "radically original" (The Atlantic) restorative justice leader, whose work the Washington Post has called "totally sensible and totally revolutionary," grapples with the problem of violent crime in the movement for prison abolition A Nat …

Named one of the most important nonfiction books of the 21st century by Entertainment Weekly' Slate' Chronicle of Higher Education' Literary Hub, Book Riot' and Zora A tenth-anniversary edition of the iconic bestseller--"one of the most influential books …

A perfectly timed book for the educational resistance--those of us who believe in public schools Culture wars have engulfed our schools. Extremist groups are seeking to ban books, limit what educators can teach, and threaten the very foundations of publi …

Described as "the most well-executed literary sex comedy" of our time by Salon.com, and "a wickedly smart satire that deserves to be a classic" by Bookforum, Helen DeWitt's Lighting Rods is a novel that will leave you laughing for more. Follow one steady …

"Midwinter Day," as Alice Notley noted, "is an epic poem about a daily routine." A poem in six parts, Midwinter Day takes us from awakening and emerging from dreams through the whole day-morning, afternoon, evening, night-to dreams again: ". . . a plain i …

The perfect introduction to the wide-ranging thought of "the most widely read voice on foreign policy on the planet" (The New York Times Book Review) "Chomsky ranks with Marx, Shakespeare and the Bible as one of the ten most quoted sources in the humaniti …

In the third edition of The PTSD Workbook, psychologists and trauma experts Mary Beth Williams and Soili Poijula offer readers the most effective tools available for overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is an extremely debilitating condi …

This landmark novella--one of the central texts of Mexican literature, is eerily relevant to our current dark times--offers a child's-eye view of a society beset by dictators, disease, and natural disasters, set in "the year of polio, foot-and-mouth disea …

During the Cold War, freedom of expression was vaunted as liberal democracy's most cherished possession--but such freedom was put in service of a hidden agenda. In The Cultural Cold War, Frances Stonor Saunders reveals the extraordinary efforts of a secre …

Break free from trauma bonds and develop the healthy, secure, and loving relationships you deserve! If you experienced physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or abandonment as a child, you may struggle with unhealthy relationships as an adult. Hurtful att …

In Malina, originally published in German in 1971, Ingeborg Bachmann invites the reader into a world stretched to the very limits of language. An unnamed narrator, a writer in Vienna, is torn between two men: viewed, through the tilting prism of obsession …