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THE C-LEVEL GUIDE TO SUCCEEDING WITH LEAN"With 30 years of accumulated experience, Art Byrne is one of the rare few people who can speak with authority about the pitfalls of fi nancial measurement systems, the importance of respect for people, the power o …

Can YouLearn to BeHappy? YES . . . according to the teacher of HarvardUniversity's most popular and life-changingcourse. One out of every five Harvard studentshas lined up to hear Tal Ben-Shahar'sinsightful and inspiring lectures on thatever-elusive state …

Winner, National Indie Excellence Award. "Langer speaks from hard-won experience in her valuable, heartfelt manual on curbing excessive worrying. Langer's frank and empathetic tone will comfort readers, as will the practical steps she teaches." --Publishe …

There is a saying among off-world people that is based on eons of experience and wisdom. It goes: There is no point in trying to change the world. Instead, change the people. They are the ones who make the world. Accompanying this dictum is a matching bit …