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Our story is about a six-year-old boy Joey, who, like all children, fears what they don't understand. Joey is a happy, healthy little boy who loves to play outside. However, discovering a very large spider in his playing area creates a healthy concern for …

In What I Learned about God in Medical School, Dr. Vines will use the knowledge and insights he learned in medical school to reveal the evidence and assurance that God does exist. He will take you on a journey that will provide information about the huma …

Let's tie this up! Join Bear, a spirited boy, on a heartwarming adventure to master shoe-tying with his supportive siblings. Through perseverance and sibling magic, Bear triumphs over shoelaces, showing that tough tasks can be conquered with his family's …

The practice of competing in sports has been around a long time. Archaeology provides valuable information on games and athletics in the ancient world. In I Corinthians 9:2427, there is information of running a race to win and a man fighting. It concludes …

Mom claims she was woken in the middle of the night with God whispering the name of my book, "Going Forward" without even knowing what I was writing about. I trusted and went with it. Trusting requires complete dependence upon God for direction, purpose, …

Nutmeg's Hidden Treasure brings Jesus's parable into a child's world that is fun and engaging for kids. You will fall in love with Nutmeg and her friends as she ventures out on a journey to find tasty berries. Her journey starts at her cozy burrow in the …

Explore the story of Noah through the eyes of Dara the Dove. Dara is afraid to fly, but through constant encouragement from her parents and Noah himself, she begins to believe she can overcome her fear. Will Dara fly? What will happen to Dara? Will Dara r …

Foursaken is the untold story of anguish, confusion, and soul evolution of a young man coming face-to-face with the darker side of spirituality to discover himself. Khalil started his life in the projects with his loving mother and his older brother at h …

The sound of the judge's gavel and his pronouncement of the sentence echoed in his mind, "Death by electrocution." How had he arrived at this place in his life? Do you believe that people who commit heinous crimes are beyond redemption? Have you ever wond …

Preston the Preschooler as told by Marianna is a delightful book that will bring meaning and excitement to the preschool classroom. The story begins with Preston arriving to school with his mom, and he is crying because he wants to stay with his mother. H …

Mary Ann thought she had lost everything, and then she found something. We all need to feel there is a purpose for our existence, a need to be alive. Our life's journey leads through deep tunnels and high mountains. It is up to us to find what is of val …

And Eve walked with God in the Garden of Eden. There is an experience of the full glory and presence of God. There they experience the full glory and presence of God. That is not the world we live in today. Many Christians often find it difficult to see a …

Are you struggling with addiction? Maybe you have a sincere desire to change, but somehow find yourself back in the same cycles? If so, this book is for you! God's Prescription for Addiction applies biblical principles that are designed to set captives fr …

Follow the raw and real journey of a young girl as she grows into a woman with unshakable faith while her mom was in the grip of alcoholism. From beloved daughter to scapegoat and verbally abused to separation to caretaker to beloved daughter again. Witho …

About this book, Twelve Two, Paul said, "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." …

The book is about: Answered prayers. Joy is finding truth. Being lonely. Joy is becoming quiet and peaceful. Becoming strong. Joy is overcoming grief and fear. Deception of happiness and success. Joy is becoming content. Redemption and restoration. J …

Are you trying to grow spiritually without fully understanding God's plan for your life? That's like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without looking at the picture on the box. If Christian growth seems confusing and elusive--if you're discouraged b …

The teaching and doctrine of the Catholic Church originate in the life, words and example of Jesus Christ. Over the centuries and across many cultures and societies, the love and wisdom of this teaching has often been obscured by the complexity of the hum …

Who do you say your body belongs to? As a believer in Jesus, the answer should not be, "Well, me, I guess." Unfortunately, many in the church have conformed to the patterns of this world in the way they treat what the Bible tells us is God's temple. As a …

At 538 pounds, Rick Salewske lived a small life that consisted of his job, his house, and his car--and he was very close to no longer fitting into his car. His stomach rubbing on the steering wheel had already worn a threadbare line across his pants. Ofte …

Employee retention rates have become a significant problem in many organizations today. Companies are struggling to staff their organizations. The workforce also appears to be more actively disengaged as people struggle to find purpose in their job. We se …

Have you ever taken delight in the small comfort of a cup of coffee? The smooth smell, the steam rolling off the top, the warmth spreading through your fingers and palms as they wrap around the mug. But when the coffee is gone and there is a small stain l …

My mom is like an octopus. She does so many things. She cleans and cooks and walks the dog. She hardly even blinks. Enjoy this story of all the amazing and compassionate things moms do on a weekly basis to support and serve all those around them.

The racializing of the Christian faith, evidenced by the various depictions of Jesus that hang in homes and sanctuaries-the idea that God is a white man-as well as the segregated church in North America, was never the intention of the gospel. Instead, it …

The Bible is full of God's promises to His children. Do you ever wonder where to find these promises of God and how to teach them to your young children? This delightful book connects these truths and where to find them in the Bible with a musical rhythmi …

Picked on for being a Republican, the little Republican stands up for what he believes in even when it's not popular. In a country where liberals increasingly own the share of voice, The Little Republican is an engaging way to teach elementary-age childre …

Horace is a young spider that lives with his grandpa at the top of an old oak tree. Every morning, he walks to school with his two best bug friends (BBFs), Maya Ladybug and Freddie Ant. As winter approaches, Horace's two friends begin telling him about al …

A Winter Way of Life is the true story of our family spending forty-five-plus winters racing and training sled dogs. These are some of the true stories and problems that are part of the sport of running sled dogs. When you stand on a wooden sled, and ther …

This is a book about an amazing journey into the heart and mind of an Almighty God. It is an unfinished story with a legacy of hope emerging in its pages. It is unfinished because God is not done yet with all of mankind. He is such a big yet wonderful God …

Keepsakes: The Heart Series is a journey from fear into freedom, written for women everywhere who struggle with never being good enough to be loved. It is my story, but it is also the story of so many like me, searching for confidence and peace. I rememb …

It's no fun to be laughed at, but it is a different story when the teacher is the one being laughed at! Nelson doesn't like to work with a partner or group in class. He just likes to work alone, and Miss Sally Norman just does not understand this, but sh …

As people inside and outside of the church in America become more disillusioned with what they experience or see from the outside looking in, what will be the way forward for Jesus's bride the Church? In this book, I hope you will join me in taking a look …

Who do you work for? What do you work for? What is the role of the Christian in the workplace? God in the Workplace: Bible Study by Allison D. Pelphrey explores these questions, along with many others that affect every Christian in the workplace each day. …

The Woman's Playbook: Girl, What's Next? Catchy, right? We were all created with a greater purpose. Do you know what that purpose is? Each day we wake up, the opportunity is given to strive toward your purpose and to fulfill it. Is something blocking you …

This book began as a writer's journal dictating her story in real time that would become a guide to encourage both the widow and widower suffering loss. The author takes us on her journey of suffering and pain at the unexpected death of her husband. It re …

My goal behind Riding for the Kingdom is to give you a way to relate our daily walk with God to everyday life. In each of these short fourteen chapters, I give examples of how we can change our mindset about our walk in faith.

Pickles, pickles, sour, sweet, my mouth just waters, love this treat! Mrs. V. will take you on an imaginative pickle journey. She shares her wonderful illustrations, rhymes, and humor. Hopefully, all who open up this book smile, laugh, and open up a jar o …

A dump truck? A chicken? Who could ask for more? Join Scottie Jo for an exciting ride on the Builderman's dump truck as she goes on her first big adventure! And learn that there are miracles all around us. We just have to take the time to enjoy them!

Imagine these words: black ice, a car, a truck, a tree, and Northeast Ohio. These words can only add up to a tragic car crash. And they did! The nightmare happened on November 13, 2013, and left me on a journey searching for my brother and God. It seemed …

As the crowd with a peculiar man in their midst drew closer to the palm, a boy scrambled up into her branches. He cut the fronds and dropped them down to the onlookers below. The beautiful story of Passion Week is told from a surprising perspective.

The Journey of Redeeming Love has been sitting for a long time. God spoke to Sandee in 2015 when she retired about writing this devotional. She had been through many adventures with the Lord and was looking forward to sharing his thoughts and love. Her hu …

Sometimes kids are lucky enough to have a godmother. But what exactly are godmothers for? Are they for playing? Are they for teaching? Are they for helping? YES...all of that, and more!

Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing, The Proven Techniques was written to encourage those who may have heard of this technique to learn more to become an educated investor. With a little bit of knowledge, some examples of transactions and seeing how it was do …

In the ancient Hebrew writings, there is an oddity. Very few women are mentioned. Fewer still have a lineage that can be traced. Rahab, the harlot, is among those. This is a story of what may have been. On that fateful day when Rahab protected the spies, …

Can you find the strength and courage to move forward when your past tries to hold you back? In Finding Home, Jamie finally turns eighteen and sets off on a journey to build a future for himself, away from the foster system that has defined his life. His …

Willie Johnson Granddaughter of a slave. Rejected by her father. Sold by her mother. Abused by her husband. How did a biracial woman become accepted to preach revivals in the Deep South and coast to coast during segregation and the Civil Rights movement? …

Corporate Free Agency: The 7 Principles Toward Career Ownership is a straightforward and profound blueprint on how to play the game of corporate free agency. Brandon Shelby's blueprint and anecdotes outlined in this book are meant to encourage career-mind …

Life in Baghdad, Iraq, in October 2003 and again in 2006 was like living in a Crock-Pot. It was hot, and the breeze, if you can call it that, was just as hot. We would travel to strange destinations to attend meetings, drop off supplies, or pick up soldie …

"We will never lose our eyesight by looking at things from a bright perspective, but we will always lose our focus when we stare into the fog." As we go through the forest of life, we need to stop chopping with a dull ax wondering why we are exhausted an …

Life happens to us all, and during the bad times, it's hard to feel God's presence when we need him the most. This story describes how I connected with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit connected with me in some of the weakest moments of my life. God …

Tired of just doing your duty in the bedroom? This book is for you. Do you want to have all (and I mean all) that God designed for a wife's sexual pleasure? This book is very practical. Do you want calming tools to bring down your levels of fear and anxie …

When experiencing abuse the victim's whole world seems to collapse and time stands still! Victims did not expect hostile treatment; the trauma of abuse leaves them in a state of shock, guilt, and shame. They are trapped in a world not of their choosing. T …

Victims of abuse face many difficult issues. Many, longing to be free, will search and long for healing and peace. Healing from the emotional and mental pain of abuse involves a journey. To emerge from victim to survivor and on to prevailing, a greater sp …

Welcome to the fairytale journey of rags to riches in the realm of faith. This book describes how two evil step siblings, Vanity and Pride, did their best to bring about the destruction of the heroine, "Faitherella." But God saw fit to show "Faitherella" …

Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. These words may ring hollow in the ears of a member of the LGBTQ community. They learned the tune as children. They memorized the words. They delighted in the idea of being cherished by God and guard …

Radically Apostolic isn't just a book that Charles Robinette has written; it is a life that he has lived, with his wonderful wife Stacey and their precious girls at his side. I encourage you to join them on the journey and to become all that God has calle …

In this unique introduction to orthotic helmets, a young boy imagines his favorite characters and the helmets they wear. Through creativity, rhymes, and colorful images, this book is intriguing for the entire family. This story provides solidarity, inclus …

The world can be a crazy place to live. The way people treat each other can be heartbreaking--the way we hurt each other's feelings down to picking on each other for the way we look, talk, and dress and even for our religion. This story is to bring people …

This is a journey taking you into a young woman's unbelievable reality while trapped in a world that could have physically, emotionally and spiritually destroyed her-- a world from which only a few successfully escape and even fewer recover. You will get …

Dr. Bob Paeglow grew up in humble circumstances in the West Hill neighborhood of Albany, New York. His world came crashing down when as a young boy, his mother was taken away to the state mental hospital. Struggling with rage and hopelessness, he nearly d …

Silent Beauty Speaks is a collection of poems inspired by nature, both within and without. It is the author's interpretation of life and its workings. To the poet, life is more than just the mechanics of biology or the change and course of every season. L …

Charlee doesn't like performing household chores. She just wants to play and do fun things all day. So Charlee's mom figures out a way to make chores seem fun! Charlee soon realizes that she can find fun, even in work, if she just looks at it the right wa …

The loss of a loved one is very difficult, and the emotional minefield can be difficult for most adults. However, the grief process for children can be increasingly more problematic. They do not have the emotional capacity to handle the loss nor the vocab …

I've spent a lot of time with children--resulting in many moments when I've had growing concerns. Yikes! What in the name of crazy do I do now? Sometimes I've had to live in survival mode. Anybody else know what I'm talking about? Over time, I discover …

The book No Youth...No Church: Exploring the decline and Impact of Young People Not Attending Church After High School and College is a scholarly nonfiction work written after the author observed many years of teenagers and young adults leaving the Christ …

Did you ever wish you knew the future? Check this out! Jesus shared the future with John and told him to write it all down so that we could know it too. From prison to Heaven to the future and back again, this is John's journey and what he saw and heard a …

The real-life stories of five courageous African-American women of different ages, backgrounds, and experiences, trusting in God's strength and love. Each story is told to share their experiences, and to encourage and strengthen others. As current executi …

There is a long list of ways things can go wrong in this life. None of us will go through all of them, but all of us will go through some of them. And when we do, one name that often comes to mind is Job, whose ancient story, in the Bible book that bears …

"The angels are here, I'm okay." Mia Ojeda was born on July 19, 2015. Since her birth, her family knew that one day, she would change people's lives somehow. She was a beautiful and playful little girl who was full of life and who brought joy to everyone …

This book is about the special bond between an owner and her dog, Sophie. This unique story line expresses Sophie's adventures as she journeys through life with Gabriella. The purpose of this book was to creatively target speech and language goals through …

America was conceived with fundamental beliefs with God at the core. By allowing the wicked lunacy to run wild, we lose the ability to use common sense in society. As depicted by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 in his Join or Die cartoon, we must be united if w …

The pain from discrimination and marginalization led me closer to my purpose of advocacy. I had two choices for responding to what happened to me. I could accept reality and do nothing about the fact that women of color in the workplace will be targeted f …

Just as we need to have check-ups to gauge our physical and mental well-being, we should also conduct check-ups to evaluate our spiritual maturity and wellness. In this book, Dr. Randy Bell Sr. urges readers to conduct A Spiritual Check-Up on themselves. …

We learn lessons every day. Some lessons are simple, some profound. Some change our minds. Some change our perceptions. And some change our entire journey. At the end of life, which lessons learned when you look back will have the greatest influence on cr …

What Do You Do When Facing An Identity Crisis? In this second installment of A Modern Faitherella Story, the heroine, Faitherella, is up against yet another personality flaw that could hinder her from fulfilling her God-given destiny. She already faced a …

The Miracle Guard Dog will appeal to people of all ages. It is Virgil's true story. It holds hopes, dreams, and miracles inside its pages. Fancy's actions to save Virgil are a wonderful way to introduce and reinforce dedication and loyalty. Virgil had a …

Did you grow up believing in fairy tales of youth suggesting that you could have a "happily ever after" life story? Or maybe your experience was more along the line of someone telling you that you would have a wonderful life if you just (fill in the blank …

Lucky, a newborn calf, became very ill after being born in below-freezing temperatures. Follow his progress showing the extent of what a farmer will do to help one of God's creatures. After posting pictures of this sick little guy, friends began commentin …

As an inspiration to girls of color, First Black Girl highlights sixteen past and present; relentless and radiant; bold and Black women, who trailblazed their way through entertainment, education, sports, science, politics, and art. Witness historic femal …

Through the lens of a child and based on true events, Back Road to Progress is a historical documentation of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States and its impact on one Black family's decision to engage in the facilitation of the end to public sc …

Sammee: The Golden Dog that Loves All Children hopes to show its readers that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a positive effect on someone and that the smallest acts of unkindness can be hurtful. Sammee tries to show everyone, especially the c …

Child heartfelt memories that will take your mind back in time to reminisce about the goodness of life and the love that you shared with very special people dear to you. Paw Paw's place is a fun place to be that is filled with tantalizing music that will …

Sister, you were made to be fierce! From the garden of Eden to the present day, women have been lied to. We have been deceived. Our deceiver is none other than the devil himself. He seeks to bring down the daughters of the Most High God through fear, anxi …

Is there a time in your life you aren't too happy about? Is there something you regret about some choices you made? Well, you aren't the only one. There are people all over the world just like you and me. Those mistakes can either make us better or cause …

Many couples grapple with the divine institution of "marriage" trying to understand its value and meaning for which a blueprint was not handed. Often, couples enter marriage ill-equipped to handle the issues of life in a pressure-cooked world. Consequentl …

Every single woman I know wants to look and feel beautiful. The desire is independent of age, background, marriage or social status, education, or physical fitness level. Our pursuit of beauty begins at a young age, takes twists and turns throughout our l …

Have you ever been to the Okachoowa Swamp? Have you ever seen a mugwamp? Come join in his adventure, as he sits on his fence one day after another, with his mug on one side and his wamp on the other. Can he whistle a song that will bring him a …

We often hear the rhetorical question, "What would Jesus do?" The reality is, in many instances, we know what Jesus would do. We have a written record, which we refer to as the Bible, that gives us a window into the life of Jesus. He faced many of the sam …

Few have ever known the honor and mystique of growing up in the virgin Amazon rainforest. In the late 1950s, Paul Johnson's family of six chose to leave the comforts of Canada to disappear into stark isolation, three weeks travel by dugout canoe from the …

Boldly Encouraged is a devotional-style book filled with comfort, hope, and joy. The author writes from the heart, sharing personal accounts experienced while working as a nurse, being a mom, and navigating through the stresses of everyday life. If you ar …

That's What Aunts Do is a playful story based on the relationship between aunts and nieces/nephews. The book illustrates the different activities that they might participate in together. From baking cookies to exploring outside, the message is the same. E …

Have you ever seen the iconic yellow airplane racing low to the ground just above green fields in the sunshine? Have you ever wanted to experience it firsthand? Now is your chance to ride along with Crop Duster Pete and find out. Flying from daylight to …

Angelo Frazier, born in a neighborhood of Washington, D.C., was heading for his dream--with physical ability, outstanding at his six-foot-eight appearance, a young man from "D.C." had the same nickname when the college fans cheered, "DC! DC! DC!" Coming …

Create a wall of protection the enemy cannot penetrate! As long as we are residents of this earth, we will be in a spiritual battle with the kingdom of darkness. Satan's only intent is to "steal, kill, and destroy." As a believer, it is your responsibilit …

As the crowd with a peculiar man in their midst drew closer to the palm, a boy scrambled up into her branches. He cut the fronds and dropped them down to the onlookers below. The beautiful story of Passion Week is told from a surprising perspective.

Justin Hayes is richly blessed. He grew up the son of a preacher and a school teacher, and like most boys in the rural South, he grew up hunting and fishing. He earned his money in the tobacco and hay fields surrounding his home, and joined his senior cla …

Buddy the Butterfly teaches priceless Christ-centered lessons about the incredible life cycle of the butterfly through creativity, humor, and valuable lessons, such as we are fearfully and wonderfully made, God cares for us, He is always near, and we can …

This book is written for kids or kids at heart. We have all lost someone we love, and we all need a sweatshirt, something, or someone to help us remember as our hearts heal. My hope and prayer is that "Merle's Sweatshirt" would help you and your children …

I believe that God dances around us every day and in all circumstances, even the painful ones. He speaks to His followers in a variety of ways and can be found even in the most ordinary of life. God longs to keep us encouraged and uplifted and often shows …

We all know that God loves us, but with the everyday grind of life, sometimes we all need a reminder of what God's love is. This book was written in the basic sense and expression of God's love found in his Word. It was meant for us to stop and relish in …