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Avicenna (Ibn Sina) is the most famous scientist . . . and of the most famous of all races, places, and times. George Sarton Introduction to the History of Science Vol. I Dr. Arya has provided an excellent collection of essays on the most profound thinker …

Saved and unsaved alike, we were all born with a sinful nature, and we are all in need of a savior. God is aware of our propensity to sin while living in our fleshly bodies, but our defensive and materialistic nature often blinds us to the love and forgiv …

Most Bible teachers have long recognized the prophetic nature of the Feasts in Israel's liturgical calendar. The Hebrew prophets themselves spoke of future aspects regarding the Feast of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. The apostle Paul also spoke o …

"Steve Gregg said it best when he wrote, 'Apart from the Kingdom, nothing exists that gives transcendent meaning to world history or human endeavors'. Yet so few take the time to understand..." Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for …

- Is binge eating a problem for you? - Are you obsessed about your body size and weight? - Do you waste endless hours daydreaming and planning for thinner days? - Do you spend a great deal of time and money creating a food experience, overeating, and suff …

Are you an intercessor? Are you an intercessor warrior? I believe that the truly faithful and powerful intercessors are warriors who draw the battle lines against an stand with Him to save mankind. "capstone, '" (1 Peter 2:7, NIV) teach seminars around th …

Our love of life is designed into us. We naturally understand death as the opposite of life, but we are taught to accept death as a necessary part of life. No wonder life is confusing! The Bible is a book of life that describes the beginning of death in t …

PURPOSE OF PUBLICATION It is my hope that this handbook will be very useful to the radiographer in his or her exchange with non-English speaking Hispanics. Over the years I have worked in this field, I have seen my co-workers struggle when interacting wit …

Jesus said to "go and make Disciples." He did not say to make converts. Being a Disciple is what the Christian life is all about. Following Jesus is so much more than praying, reading the Bible and going to church. It is about partnering with the all powe …

Jesus said that in this life we will have trials and tribulations for our belief in Him. However, we need not fear because He has overcome the world and is always with us. In this story, a young girl is experiencing many different forms of persecution but …

"Henebury shows how the covenants relate to God's ways and purposes for his people and all peoples. Through it all [he] lets the Old Testament speak for itself and does not "pre-interpret" it according to any "pre-conceived" theology of the New Testament. …

Wounds! We all have experienced hurt and pain. These unseen wounds can open the door to spiritual strongholds that manifest in our lives in many ways, such as anger, rage, unforgiveness and more. They can suddenly take root without notice. For too long Go …

A powerfully biblical and thorough answer to the Lordship Salvation controversy. There is no more important issue than how to become a Christian. Lordship Salvation is a view that has confused many people about the nature of the gospel itself. Based on …

A mysterious Dead Sea Scroll revealed prophecies of the return of the fallen angels and the timing of their release from the abyss where they have been imprisoned awaiting their final judgment. But, there is a missing piece to the prophetic puzzle! Gabrie …

This book was inspired by God. It is intended to be a book that you can tuck Into your pocket, backpack, portfolio, etc. It has Prayers that are short and to the point. Study the Prayers, read them in times of need. I pray that they bring you peace, comfo …