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The practice of competing in sports has been around a long time. Archaeology provides valuable information on games and athletics in the ancient world. In I Corinthians 9:2427, there is information of running a race to win and a man fighting. It concludes …

Are you struggling with addiction? Maybe you have a sincere desire to change, but somehow find yourself back in the same cycles? If so, this book is for you! God's Prescription for Addiction applies biblical principles that are designed to set captives fr …

The way you think of prayer will influence the way you approach praying. If perceived as mere duty and obligation, there will be no relational joy experienced. However, if prayer is participation in a vital connection, an essential lifeline, between your …

It is important for children to know what God thinks of us. He loves and adores us. We should be positive and kind to others. We should love everyone.

The Lion Mentality is a book that focuses on leading like a lion while understanding what makes a lion survive in the world that he is born to reign. The lion mentality is about more than being the strongest, or the fastest or the biggest but developing a …

How do we keep our steps from faltering? Where can we find the endurance to keep going each day? The moment the alarm clock goes off, our minds start rolling. As our feet hit the floor, the wheel of schedules and tasks begins the marathon of our day. Wi …

Growing up in as a young girl and transitioning into womanhood can be complicated. Satan, the Master of Disguise, known as the Deceiver, offers 24-7 young women and men wrong choices that lead to harmful and hurtful consequences. Often there is no quick f …

Re is a simple yet powerful thirty-day devotional to help you as you give your heart back to God. Many of us are walking away from a life opposite of what God desires for us. We know we are called for more but are unsure how or what that means. In this …

In this collection of the author's personal missionary stories, you will cross oceans, learn how to live in other cultures, taste foods that you may never have imagined, find out what it's like to live in the middle of wars and famines, raise four happy c …

Pain serves a purpose. When going through the pains of life, it can easily blindside us, which leaves an open window for the enemy to depress us, oppress us, and if it goes on too long, he can even overtake us. Not knowing that our pain serves a purpose c …

Don't be the best in the world at what you do; be the only one in the world who does what you do. --Jerry Garcia Government Contracting Classified is a book of issues and problems concerning government contracting. Henry was raised in a small town (po …

We all have a path that we must walk in life that leads to an expected end. In this walk of life when we overcome situations, we are expected to share our testimony so that others may know how we overcame them. In doing so, it encourages others to keep go …

H. D. was a cute little mutt, Around the block he started to strut. On the hunt without fail, he cried "Where's My Tail?" Now God has blessed him as a new "Wiggle-Butt".

When Penelope was born, she knew she was different. Who could love a little pig with plain white skin? Is God's love really that big? Follow Penelope and her farmyard friends as she discovers what true beauty really is.

The train is off the rails! What is wrong with the train cars? What are the train cars? And how do we get them back on track? Each train car represents a different topic. We examine each train car to understand the topic and then figure out whether to aba …

The book of Revelation is an enigmatic and mysterious book that has captivated the hearts and minds of countless seekers throughout history. Its words resonate with an otherworldly power, and its imagery is both haunting and awe-inspiring. It is the final …

Twelve-year-old Libby Lancaster is uprooted from her suburban roots and moved to downtown Chicago when her parents decide to divorce. It's summer, and without the comforts of her school chums and the only neighborhood she's ever known, she's bored and lon …

All of our lives are full of bad decisions, failures, misfortunes, and hurts created by those around us, along with a host of other things. My life was no different. Jesus said in John 10:10, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to d …

Forever 13 is the true story of a married couple's ongoing journey of grief for their thirteen-year-old son as told through the eyes of the husband and father. Covering an eleven-year period of time from the moment of their son's death to the present, the …

A Kingdom for Us was written to answer questions that everybody has. Is there really a devil, and what can he do? What is the big deal about praise and worship? What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and do we need it? How do you get the kind of faith th …

As a detective in Lake Ridge, Virginia, Bobby Chambers deals with crime on a daily basis. But as more and more of the criminal activity of nearby Washington, DC, spills over into Northern Virginia, he finds he is seeing more and more crime in his suburban …

The words I have written, and have this opportunity to share with you, are from my journey through my walk of faith. They cover a wide variety of spiritual poems; many of which are personal in my life. My hope is you will find something encouraging and in …

Who do we become when our untreated traumas speak on our behalf? How do we address the broken places in our lives if we never recognize their existence? Most people that knew me or knew of me hardly knew anything about me. Born and raised in Seattle, Wash …

Truth is best served simple. This short book is a must have for all who aspire to leadership positions or are already in one. Based on the analogy of a coach and his team of horses, it outlines expectations and responsibilities on what it means to lead.

Grace is the author's first book, but as you begin to read, you will quickly discover that the anointing and hand of God was upon her as she wrote this amazing story! The words will capture and arrest you as she so eloquently brings fiction, nonfiction, a …

CHRIST in You-the Hope of Glory! The Apostle Paul had instructed the early church to be equipped with '...the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of GOD.' He knew the struggles ahead in proclaiming CHRIST to the world. Today is no different. …

One of the greatest feelings of excitement and joy you can have in life is when you are expecting a baby, and the anticipation of waiting for the day when you will finally hold your precious baby in your arms. This weekly devotional will guide you and you …

God's Eternal Truth is a tapestry of food for thought, poems, and prayers that touch the fabric of our spirituality and faith. Each selection separately attempts to reach a clearer understanding of our relationship with God and one another. Collectively t …

"Why the God-man? Man owed a debt but could not pay it. God could pay the debt but did not owe it. Only the God-man could both owe the debt and pay it." Anselm of Canterbury (1034-1109) Is it possible to know and have a personal relationship with God? To …

Shame has become the enemy's weapon of mass destruction. In a society filled with mental health issues, suicide and unforgiveness lives are being destroyed at a rapid rate. This Book gives a raw, bold account of secrets that everyday people find themselve …

Finding the Secret Place is a short devotional intended to encourage the reader to long for a deeper relationship with God. He longs for His children to come to Him. May the words in this book draw you to His secret place. 2

During our twenty-six years in Liberia, West Africa, we often heard the phrase "But my hand is short" in response to a plea for money or help of any kind. This was a common response to a request that one was unwilling or unable to grant. Throughout our li …

"The path to depth" is a simple name for the never-ending journey to a deeper life with God. "The path to depth" sounds a little like "the path to death." Which, in a way, it is: ...a path to death that is also a path to life; ...dying to an old way of l …

I knew if I came out from under that bed that all chaos would happen. I stayed under the bed for a very long time. The police and my father finally convinced me it was safe to come out from under the bed. I told the horrific story to my father. My life fr …

A child shivers in the darkest of forests. A powerful force threatens the entire Kingdom of Galiwell, and it's pulling her closer, closer into a swirling, smoky mist of evil. Hope and the Kingdom of Galiwell is a novel about that child and a fantasy worl …

Have you ever experienced unexplainable moments of worry or frustration that suddenly appear out of nowhere? The moments that leave you feeling all alone with nothing but pain and agony to keep you company. These times of weariness can leave you questioni …

Marchiena Davis writes in her book light-hearted entertaining short essays through a charmingly amusing narration that explores the humor of ordinary yet meaningful personal interactions and events with an appreciative eye for the viewpoint of other peopl …

What an amazing journey it has been! A celebration marking the hundredth anniversary of the dedication of the imposing stone structure overlooking the southern end of Diamond Park in the city of Meadville, Pennsylvania, kicked off on Sunday, March 31, 19 …

God creates everyone uniquely. It's our uniqueness that makes us special and brings different degrees of success. Those who have not found their unique potential may not be as successful as others, but it is not due to limitations others have placed on th …

Rev. AJ's Prayer Closet was chosen because many people do not know how to pray, thus hiding their concerns, fears, and apprehensions in the closet of their hearts, not realizing that they need to bring them to God to allow Him to handle them. This results …

The end of times appears to be close for America and, for that matter, the world. The year is 2027, and things are out of control. Human trafficking is virtually ignored, while racial division is fueled by the media and the great influencers. Even churche …

This book is a historical fiction that I have written about the 1960 baseball World Series, specifically about game 7 of that series, that many baseball experts feel was the greatest game ever played in the history of Major League Baseball. The seventh ga …

The book shares what it is like to be a child and a teenager with autism. It has a strong antibullying message and stresses kindness and acceptance of people who are different than you. It is a true story about an orphan with disabilities who overcomes po …

The purpose of this book is to develop a plan for your successful transition from incarceration to living a full and productive life post-release. Ideally, the process of getting ready for the transition starts six months prior to your release. The ideal …

The African American Guide to the Bible makes the case for the relevance of the Bible from the perspective of people of color. It presents a comprehensive biblical view of topics of interest to African Americans and clarifies racial issues for white peopl …

On a cold April day, sixteen-year old Ben Hylden tried on his suit coat for the upcoming school prom, then sped toward nearby Park River, ND for an appointment. Running late and driving too fast, he lost control of his car on ice, flipped the car and was …

Every person you know has either been through situations in their lives that have resulted in trauma or someone close to them who has. The church has lost the art of wisely walking with someone as they experience the effects of trauma in their life. We ar …

Are you afraid of thunder? Cookie is. Her mom and dad tell her ways that she can be brave during a storm. She tries them out, and soon, she realizes that being brave actually works! I bet you can be brave if you try them too.

What does an insecure buzzard do when his father announces to his family that they will be moving to Birdtown? Bradford must face his greatest fear: going to school with other bird species known for their beauty or ability to sing so well. Bradford comes …

Zeb Walee is a young man starting a family and wanting to save all the souls he can by bringing the Word of God to them, but by doing so, he may be driving people away. At work, he is almost tragically killed in a freak accident, but he is saved by a guar …

My Daddy Went to Jail and I Am Sad is about unfortunate real-life instances that are hard to talk about with our children. Sometimes, we as parents are embarrassed to talk to our family and friends and especially our children when a parent makes a mistake …

This book is a gritty, often compelling tale that spans thirty years of a rising three-sport star athlete, who through increasing levels of alcohol and drug use, promiscuity, and other damaging behaviors, experiences a total and complete fall from grace. …

Susan Merrell is a first-time author. Her passion for international travel, research, and the wonders of nature, combined with her running experiences, give this book a unique perspective of the Christian life. She became a member of the Seven Continents …

God has a unique calling for every individual that fits His special plan and purpose for your life. This calling is the way you are to live on the earth and encompasses all your being and doing. Essentially, calling refers to belonging to Christ and parti …

Joy is a choice! You can have it starting today. Negative thinking and a toxic environment are some of the leading causes of illnesses, according to researchers. Learn how to choose joy despite your circumstances. Life happens, and when it leaves you i …

It's been four hundred years in the making, but the story of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo and her daughters, the Religious of the Virgin Mary, is finally about to be told. These wonderful sisters' contributions have long been over- looked. Not only …

Brooke and Heather had been prayer partners for over twenty-five years. They had each been awakened during the early hours of the morning and urged to pray. They just knew that young women with blonde hair and blue eyes were in danger, and the Lord needed …

A lyrical bedtime story about a young boy who doesn't want to go to bed because he has bad dreams, and how his mother uses the armor of God to give him the confidence to go to sleep. Based on Ephesians 6:14-18 NLT, "Stand your ground, putting on the bel …

There is an old legend talking about Mother Pelican striking her chest with the beak to feed her young with her blood in the time of the famine to prevent them from dying of starvation. Another version was that Mother Pelican was feeding her chicks who w …

Routine, commitment, and focus are very important words in our day-to-day lives. In order to be focused and committed in my daily routine, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I generated these three powerful morning prayers. These prayers will help anyone w …

Reaching the youngest to the oldest with a quick and easy read with prayers and powerful scriptures to launch you into a deeper study to help change your life forever! You will be strengthened with power to keep your joy in many life-challenging situation …

The liberation of the earth... There is a righteous one-world government on earth right now. After His resurrection from the dead, Jesus said, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." The light of God has continued to increase on eart …

This is a heartwarming story about the special relationship between a grandchild and her grandparents that will teach some of the foundational principles of good stewardship to children. In many instances, what we learn about money in our youth carries ov …

It's never too late, right? Did someone say it couldn't be done? At age seventy-five, with no email, no Wi-Fi or computer, and only pencil and paper as his tools of the trade, from his one-bedroom apartment in Troy, New York, Michol started creating poe …

Today, we are witnessing the historically powerful American Order experiencing perhaps its greatest peril as it struggles against the tidal wave of new challenges from Covid-19, the rapid rise of Christian Nationalism, large-scale Apostasy, and an increas …

You may ask, Why would anyone want to read the Bible, let alone a consolidated version of the four gospels? How many people, when deciding to read about Christ Jesus's life and teachings, begin and finish after one Gospel, satisfied that they've read eno …

Poverty of the Mind is about how I lived on the street because I was trying to find myself and because I was ignorant and uneducated. Looking back at my life, I can relate to many groups of people that have been categorized as abused in one way or another …

This book is inspired by God for all of God's children. If you are like me or know someone who has felt nervous, sad, and angry or felt like you were going to explode or have even lost control at times, then you should know that God has placed in you ever …

There are some children who are blessed with both parents at home and are taught how to love, pray, and to accept diverse cultures. There are some children who have lost both parents from an illness or accident and have no other family to live with. Unf …

I wrote The Modern Version Incursion because there is a need in the church for Christians to see plainly that the modern versions of the Bible are counterfeits. God wrote one Bible, not three hundred! The Bible tells us plainly that God's word is forever …

Why Everyone Must Know the Sermon on the Mount: One of the greatest speeches ever given serves as a blueprint for the development of personal integrity, which is the starting point of creating an environment that provides equality and fair treatment of …

"Mission Possible" is the story of two ambitious young Americans convinced God has called them to share the good news of the gospel in South America. The couple, George and Alice, and their young son, Phillip, embark on the unknown in the early 1950s as t …

When seven grandkids go to Nana and Papa Farmer's farmhouse to bake Christmas cookies goodies and have a sleepover, they wake up to hear a noise coming from the perfectly decorated Christmas tree. Come laugh with us and find out what happens in one magic …

This book is a raw and riveting story about spiritual battles, navigating dark valleys, the horrors of addiction, and struggling with the loneliness that only years of shameful secrets can produce while outwardly putting on our best church clothes, preten …

This story is a philosophy of life, comparing it to a train ride through life, sharing happy memories about the journey that leads to eternal peace and happiness.

This is a story of Mr. L, an orphan who was raised and nurtured by a devoted Carmelite nun, then drafted to serve as a skilled sniper during the Vietnam War. A journey of learning and mastering of the French language, excelling in the Little League baseba …

I wrote this book to communicate many of the lessons that God has taught me through many trials in my life. I hope to provide you those hard-knock lessons without the cost I paid for them in physical, mental, and spiritual pain. My reference to hard-knock …

It is from the Bible that society obtains its most enduring and successful patterns for the tapestries formed by our social fabric. The institution of marriage is no exception. Given to us by God at the very beginning of His creation, marriage was to be t …

Walking in Ava's shoes takes you on a journey of the day-to-day struggles and success of a young girl facing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Ava is driven, smart, fun-loving, and energetic, who often feels misunderstood by her family and …

Wheeee! Whiz! Zoom! Step on the gas! Ride through the beautiful countryside in My Big Red Truck! This fun, easy-to-read book will wind through dirt roads and speed through rugged landscapes, allowing you to admire critters and nature alike. By the end of …

Asha is looking forward to a new school year and meeting new friends. She hopes to find true friends and learn lots of new and exciting things this year. But deep down she is still nervous about how bad last year had gone. Then Asha meets a new friend. Wi …

Pinky, the Little Flamingo with a Big Heart illustrates that small acts of kindness can result in surprising rewards. Pinky's unusual group of friends--King Gold Shrimp, Ballerina Kitty, and Stripes the Caterpillar--offers readers the chance to use their …

The Father's Words: The Light to Our Path reminds how life is a journey filled with joy, sorrow, and unforeseen circumstances. Learning how to navigate through each one is a journey in itself. Each personal story tells how easy it is to misinterpret the e …

Zander has been having a really bad day, and he is not happy! At the end of the day, he learns a new way to deal with his emotions and that holding them in doesn't help.

Melanie Mae's beautiful smile and loving character will delight children as they read about her adventures in a new home. Melanie Mae encourages learning as she goes through the days of the week with her new family. With the amazing imagination of two gir …

Have you tried everything you know to do to stop your pain, and it isn't working? Are you ready to take a journey-adventure to learn how to remove your unending pain and replace it with unending joy and peace? If you said yes, then open this book and choo …

We all know what happened the night before Christmas, but have you ever heard the story about the night before the first Christmas? This may have been one of the most important Christmases ever! The world was quiet and still until a tiny baby changed ever …

Life has hard edges for which we need to buffer with encouragement, something that will inspire us to keep moving forward in a positive manner. Because at the end of the day, it is more about what we will have brought to the day and what we will have take …

Allowing yourself to experience the freedom of being loose from pain, rejection, and affliction is the best gift that you can give to yourself and the best gift that has been given to us by God through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Freedom from bein …

Join a worried and misunderstood dump truck on its journey of self-discovery and acceptance as it learns to embrace not only its seizure disorder but also the unique strengths it gives it. This tale is part of a series developed to explain complicated neu …

Have you ever wondered why in the Old Testament God wiped out an entire population in a global flood except for one family? Or why, when giving the land of Canaan to the children of Israel, He commanded the destruction of the entire Canaanite nation? Does …

Every parent longs to pass on their values and beliefs. As a devoted Catholic with an active toddler, attending Mass was vital to my spiritual journey. Yet, taking a restless child to church felt like an impossible task. During one such trying church vis …

Men After God's Heart is an in-depth examination of how Christian men relate to each other. Now more than ever, it is imperative for men to develop healthy, meaningful relationships with their spiritual brothers. The Western masculinity persona has preven …

Isaiah 40:26 says, "Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing." These wor …

Have you ever considered how God works in your life? Have you ever wondered why things have gone the way they have for you? In my life, I have experienced good times and tough times. I have lived in extreme poverty and with extraordinary wealth. I have s …

Sheer Bandages: A Fragile Offering contains the literary genres of free verse poetry, haiku, anthropomorphic ballads, and wisdom sayings. The collection is replete with recurring images (e.g., the poet as moth, shadows, the Potter's wheel of God, death, t …

The Little House on the Hill is a fun short story about a magical hillside where anything is possible. It tells the story of Gabe, one particular house that is built here. Together we see how he and his animal friends play and interact and the friendships …

You have to be really quick to catch two little pigs! What would you do if you were riding around in your car and two little pigs jumped into the middle of the road? Based on a true story, you will find out what Doug and Sally did when that happened to th …

Celebrating Sixty-Plus Years of Being a Twin with My Special-Needs Brother was birthed by my desire to honor and celebrate my twin on our sixtieth birthday. For several weeks in April of 2020, our sixtieth birthday month, I posted short daily posts on Fac …

Maple Berry Elementary School is hosting its annual talent show. Students can be found excitedly chatting in the hallways about the different acts they plan to perform. This year's lineup is truly one you do not want to miss! One student is training a mon …