
Znaleziono 213 ofert

Czy Chłopak Numer Sto będzie tym jedynym? Micah Summers prowadzi popularny profil na Instagramie, na którym opublikował już 99 rysunków swoich wymarzonych chłopaków, jednak sam nigdy nie był w związku. Kiedy słodka znajomość z Chłopakiem Numer Sto niekont …

Nowa powieść osoby autorskiej głośnego "Sezonu luster"! Nikt mi nie uwierzył, kiedy powiedziałom, że widziałom świat pod jeziorem. Nie było tu nikogo innego, kto go widział lub chociaż by udawał, że widział. A potem poznałom Lore. Kiedyś wszyscy mieszkają …

Jenna Ortega, uwielbiana na całym świecie aktorka młodego pokolenia, zaprasza w podróż pełną wzruszeń z książką w ręku. Napisany przez nią poradnik przypomina czytelnikom, że w każdym drzemie potężna moc i że nigdy nie jesteśmy sami. Zawsze otacza nas mił …

Życie siedemnastoletniego Aleksandra nie jest usłane różami. W domu wciąż brakuje pieniędzy, mama zaharowuje się w kolejnych pracach, a przy jego boku nie ma nawet przyjaciół, którzy mogliby pomóc w odczarowaniu szarej rzeczywistości. Dlatego jest bardzo …

Drugi tom wakacyjnej trylogii Lato Jenny Han autorki bestsellerowej serii Do wszystkich chłopców, których kochałam. Kiedyś Belly nie mogła się doczekać powrotu do letniego domu, który należał do rodziny Conrada i Jeremiaha. Jednak to lato będzie inne. Pro …

Jessie K. ma piętnaście lat i właśnie otrzymała diagnozę autyzmu. Zawsze wiedziała, że nie jest taka jak rówieśnicy. Jako Palestynka wyróżniała się kolorem skóry w białej dzielnicy, w której dorastała, i myślała, że to właśnie główny powód. Rodzice tłumac …

Podczas reality show wszystko może się wydarzyć. Ale jedno jest pewne - nigdy, przenigdy nie wróci do swojego eks. Osiemnastoletnia Maya rozstała się z Jordym dwa lata temu. Została zdradzona i pozostawiona ze złamanym sercem. Gdy otrzymuje zaproszenie do …

Ostatni tom trylogii Zemsta! To wciągająca, trzymająca w napięciu i pełna akcji opowieść. Po Ból za ból i Ogień za ogień przyszedł czas na Popiół za popiół. Sylwester zakończył się z hukiem, a Mary, Kat i Lillia nie są przygotowane na to, co ma nadejść. D …

To miał być najpiękniejszy horror na świecie… Zimna, deszczowa jesień. Troje nastolatków dostaje role w gotyckim horrorze kręconym na zamku w mglistym i mrocznym zakątku Szkocji. Mają spędzić dwa miesiące na planie filmu pod okiem ekscentrycznej reżyserki …

Jeden list, który wywróci jej życie do góry nogami… Przez całe życie Ri Fernández słyszała: "Żyjemy w Ameryce i mówimy po angielsku". Wychowana przez surową babcię, która odcina ją od ludzi o tym samym pochodzeniu, czuje się samotna i nie może znaleźć swo …

Jenna Ortega, uwielbiana na całym świecie aktorka młodego pokolenia, zaprasza w podróż pełną wzruszeń z książką w ręku. Napisany przez nią poradnik przypomina czytelnikom, że w każdym drzemie potężna moc i żenigdy nie jesteśmy sami. Zawsze otacza nas miło …

Czy dwie niedopasowane części mogą stworzyć całość? Mallory to outsiderka. Ma wrażenie, że w szkole jest jak niedopasowany puzzel. Najbardziej ceni swoją grupkę przyjaciół. To, że mają siebie, pomaga im przetrwać. Życie dziewczyny wciąż uprzykrza Elliot. …

Rok wydania: 2022",""Dla nas zawsze będzie lato" Ostatni tom trylogii Lato Jenny Han - idealnej, żeby spędzić z nią wakacje! Belly od zawsze wiedziała, że kocha dwóch chłopców o nazwisku Fisher. Minęły dwa lata, odkąd Conrad powiedział Belly, żeby wybrała …

Flintowi Larsenowi pozostało 41 dni, 9 godzin i 42 minuty życia. Flint jako ośmiolatek poczuł ukłucie informujące o tym, że pozostała mu połowa życia. Wiedział więc, kiedy nadejdzie jego koniec. Przygotowuje się do swojej śmierci od dłuższego czasu - odci …

Gdy wymarzone wakacje zamieniają się w koszmar i nie wiesz już komu zaufać… Pięcioro świeżo upieczonych maturzystów, Fio, Wenus, Hanna, Kostek i Robin, spędzają lato w Domku z Drewna i Szkła. Właścicielem tego miejsca jest starszy od nich Adam - przybran …

Słodka jak francuski makaronik i kusząca jak świeży croissant, romantyczna opowieść o ambitnej amerykańskiej balerinie i uroczym francuskim chłopaku. Mia Jenrow zawsze wiedziała, że jej przeznaczeniem jest zostać primabaleriną. I rzeczywiście taniec ma we …

Powrót bohaterów bestsellera Hurt/Comfort! Tym razem w odsłonie graficznej. Magda, najlepsza przyjaciółka Artura, dowiaduje się, że nowa żona jej taty jest w ciąży. I chociaż życie w oku cyklonu i ukrywanie swoich emocji opanowała do perfekcji, to nie um …

Wzruszająca i pełna zwrotów akcji opowieść o przyjaźni i stracie z tajemniczą zbrodnią w tle Elliott i Catherine poznali się, gdy byli dziećmi. Między nimi szybko nawiązała się przyjaźń, jednak pewnego dnia chłopak musiał opuścić miasto. Akurat w dniu, w …

Wciągające fantasy w steampunkowym wydaniu! Wkrocz do świata magów, w którym wszystko jest możliwe. Miej się jednak na baczności. Ceony Twill całe swoje życie marzyła o tym, aby zostać Wytapiaczem – specjalistką od magii metalu. Zdeterminowana ukończyła S …

Znaleźć dom. Zakochać się. Zawalczyć o przynależność. Jedynym domem, jaki zna Ander Martínez, jest dzielnica Santos Vista w San Antonio. Na jej ulicach rozbrzmiewa mieszanka języka hiszpańskiego i angielskiego, a w restauracjach rozchodzi się apetyczny za …

Ostatni tom serii fantasy, której czytanie staje się nałogiem. Tylko w Domu Cieni mrok rozstanie rozświetlony. Quin powraca do Glas Dir, aby zasiąść na tronie rzecznego królestwa. Napędza go nie tylko przekonanie, że ma do tego prawo jako książę, ale równ …

"Misja na wyspie potworów" to trzecia część przygodowej dziecięcej serii Poradnik łowczyni potworów Przezabawna historia o tajnym stowarzyszeniu babysitterek, które już dawno dały sobie spokój z normalnością. W końcu czy można wieść proste życie, kiedy wa …

Czy jesteś w stanie zawalczyć z mrokiem o siebie i swoich bliskich? Sacramento, rok 1885. Edie i Violet Bond znają prawdę o życiu w zaświatach. Podobnie jak ich matka, która była potężnym medium, siedemnastoletnie bliźniaczki mają zdolności parapsychiczne …

Bestseller "New York Timesa" i "USA Today" oraz książka Reese's Witherspoon Book Club. Gotycka opowieść o ambicji, miłości i sekretach - nie tylko tych zakopanych głęboko pod ziemią. Edynburg, 1817. Hazel to dobrze urodzona, lecz postępująca na przekó …

A gdyby okazało się, że jesteś prawdziwą księżniczką? Izumi Tanaka zawsze w głębi serca czuła, że odstaje od rówieśników - nie jest łatwo być Japończykiem w małym, zapyziałym miasteczku w północnej Kalifornii. Wychowana przez samotną matkę, z którą zawsze …

11 utraconych tygodni. 11 szans, żeby je odzyskać. Rok temu: Życie Elli było idealne. Miała cudownych przyjaciół i niesamowitego chłopaka. Wszystko się zmieniło w momencie wypadku samochodowego. Kiedy Ella obudziła się w szpitalu, nie pamiętała ani tragic …

Bluey and Bingo share why their dad is awesome in this hilarious and heartwarming picture book, featuring everyone's favorite Heelers. Based on the on the wildly successful animated series, Bluey, as seen on Disney+. Everyone loves Bandit, but especially …

Meet all of Bluey's friends in this adorable tabbed board book! Based on the award-winning animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Get to know Mackenzie, Snickers, Coco, and more! This sturdy tabbed board book is perfect for Bluey fans.

Help Bluey and Bingo find their Easter eggs in this sturdy lift-the-flap board book! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey and Bingo go on an egg hunt by following clues the Easter bunny left behind. Will they find …

Celebrate Christmas with Bluey and Bingo! Based on the award-winning animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+. On the first day of Christmas, Veranda Santa gave to me...a fruit bat in a mango tree! Countdown the twelve days of Christmas with Bluey and Bi …

Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey makes a new friend while camping with her family! Bluey goes camping with her family and makes a new friend named Jean-Luc! Despite the language barrier, they have fun plantin …

A super fun sticker book based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ With hundreds of stickers, this sticker book is perfect for having fun anywhere you go!

Join Bluey on a dreamy nighttime adventure. What will you see in the dark? At bedtime, Bluey is disappointed that the day is over and is unwilling to go to sleep! She wishes that she could become a fruit bat instead and stay awake all night. Soon, she fin …

Read along in this 8x8 book and join Bluey's latest adventure! When it's Bingo's turn to take Bob Bilby home, will they have fun times? This 8x8 storybook retells one of the best Bluey episodes: Bob Bilby! Once again, everyone's favorite Blue Heelers Bing …

Wackadoo! An activity book based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+! Bake some banana bread, play keepy uppy, make a confetti cannon for a horsey wedding, and more, in this big book of fun! This book has more than 100 activ …

A 2018 Caldecott Honor Book that Kirkus Reviews calls "a must-read for our times," A Different Pond is an unforgettable story about a simple event - a long-ago fishing trip. Graphic novelist Thi Bui and acclaimed poet Bao Phi deliver a powerful, honest gl …

On sale in time to celebrate the new Sonic live-action movie, this book is packed with puzzles, games, four sheets of stickers, and fun facts about the world's fastest hedgehog. Featuring sixteen full-color pages illustrated in the classic Sonic style, th …

He's a down-to-earth highland farmer. She's the rebellious daughter of Hollywood royalty. They might seem like they're from different worlds, but that won't stop them from engaging in a marriage of convenience... It's been five years since Jared McCulloc …

He's a disgraced actor. She's the daughter of Hollywood royalty. Both are hiding in the Scottish Highlands, but despite their antagonistic attraction, they can't seem to hide from each other... North Hunter has worked hard to step out of the shadows of h …

Join Bluey and Bingo on a trip to the pool for some fun in the sun in this bilingual storybook! Acompa�a a Bluey y Bingo en un paseo a la piscina para divertirse bajo el sol! Based on the on the wildly successful animated series, Bluey, as seen on Disney …

When a dark night comes to the big city, one little super hero prepares for a great adventure . . . bedtime! Award-winning author Michael Dahl (Goodnight Baseball, Goodnight Football, and Goodnight Hockey) and illustrator Ethen Beavers (DC Super Friends) …

Help Bluey create fun games for her friends with this magnet book! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Use the magnets and your imagination to play along with Bluey and her friends! Play Keepy Uppy, I-Spy, Follow the L …

Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6-8 and 9-12 Mandala Coloring Book for Kids contains 30 beautiful and simple mandalas that are perfect for kids, teens, and adults who prefer less intricate designs. About this coloring book for children: FUN and SIMPLE mind …

A New York Times bestseller--now available in paperback. INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE BONUS STORY about the medieval Secret Order of the Unicorn! Unicorns are real. (At least we think they are.) Are you ready to protect the creatures of myth and legend? Then y …

A thoughtful and age-appropriate introduction to an unimaginable event--the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a genocide on a scale never before seen, with as many as twelve million people killed in Nazi death camps--six million of them Jews. Gail Herman trace …

Read about Puerto Rican rapper and singer Bad Bunny and his incredible career in this book from Who HQ Now, the series featuring the trending topics and news makers of today. Bad Bunny, born Benito Antonio Martinez Ocasio, is one of today's most popular a …

The Redwall series is soon to be a Netflix original movie! The beloved Redwall saga continues in Salamandastron. The inhabitants of Redwall relax in the haze of summer-but as they do, the neighboring stronghold of Salamandastron lies besieged by the evil …

He's a down-to-earth highland farmer. She's the rebellious daughter of Hollywood royalty. They might seem like they're from different worlds, but that won't stop them from engaging in a marriage of convenience... It's been five years since Jared McCulloc …

Every year Tortoise sleeps through winter. He assumes he isn't missing much. However, his friends are determined to prove otherwise! Will Tortoise sleep through another winter, or will his friends convince him to stay awake and experience the frosty fun o …

Like Michelangelo, Galileo is another Renaissance great known just by his first name--a name that is synonymous with scientific achievement. Born in Pisa, Italy, in the sixteenth century, Galileo contributed to the era's great rebirth of knowledge. He inv …

A beautiful wordless picture book about the effects of a flood on a family and their home.

LARGE COLLECTION OF AWESOME DESIGNS AT AN AMAZING PRICE. AVAILABLE AT A SPECIAL DISCOUNT. GRAB YOUR COPY NOW.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Not sure what theme to start coloring? Grab one that has everything. Incredible artwork with the largest variety of super amazing designs. J …

„Widziałam, że nic i nikt nie stanie między Grace’ami. Głupotą byłoby próbować.” Pierwsza reguła w świecie magii Grace’ów mówi: jeśli bardzo, ale to bardzo czegoś pragniesz, to się wydarzy. Nieważne, za jaką cenę.W tym liceum rządzi rodzeństwo Grace’ów: S …

Find Bluey and Bingo in this search-and-find activity book! Have you seen Bluey and Bingo? There are lots of other hidden items, too, so join the fun in this search-and-find book!

Come on a dream-filled adventure with Bluey and Bingo in this special picture book with fold-out pages! Based on the award-winning animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+. It's sleepytime at the Heeler house! Bingo wants to do a Big Girl sleep. As she d …

A deliciously fun cookbook perfect for fans of the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Learn how to make yummy food with Bluey and Bingo! Bake some Shadowland Cupcakes, make BBQ Sausages, Capsicum Salad, or write your very own Fanc …

Play Butterflies with Bluey and Bingo in this fun storybook! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey, Bingo, and Judo are playing Butterflies! But when Judo and Bluey leave Bingo behind to play another game, Bingo is …

Join Bluey and Bingo on a trip to the pool for some fun in the sun! Based on the on the wildly successful animated series, Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey, Bingo, and Dad head to the pool. What could go wrong? Find out in this beautiful picture book adven …

Meet Bluey, Bingo, Mum, and Dad in this little library box set! Based on the successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Perfect for young readers, each board book introduces Bluey and her family. Find out what Bluey likes to dress up as, Dad's f …

Play Barky Boats with Bluey and Mackenzie in this fun storybook based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey and Mackenzie are excited to play with their buddies! But will Mia and Captain have time to play with them? Read …

On this diamond, the final out could cost you everything. Get ready for an adrenaline-packed adventure with fourteen-year-old Zane Mitchell! After a tough game with his new baseball team, Zane returns home to find his mom gone and a mysterious Federal Ag …

A great coloring book for kids and any fans of Bluey! This coloring book is designed for children who love Bluey! It includes 64 high-quality images designed to entertain and engage, providing hours of coloring fun. Kids can use pens, pencils, markers, pa …

Celebrate Christmas with Bluey! Based on the on the wildly successful animated series, Bluey, as seen on Disney+ It's Christmas Eve and Bluey's entire family has gathered at the Heeler house. They can't wait for Santa to come! But Bluey's dad reminds them …

When Bluey, Bingo, and Mackenzie are tired of playing at the playground, Dad takes them to the creek instead! But the creek is very different from the playground. . . . Dad takes Bluey, Bingo, and Mackenzie to the creek after they grow tired of playing at …

Double the stickers, double the fun! Based on the award-winning animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Let's take this to the max! This sticker and activity book bind-up, including Bluey and Friends: A Sticker and Activity Book, and Meet Bluey! Sticker …

A super fun sticker scene book based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Have a horsey wedding, go on a market trip, host a sleepover, and more! With over 200 stickers and 12 sticker scenes, this activity book is perfect for …

Discover what Bluey and her family are up to in this fun jigsaw puzzle activity book based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ This book includes 4 double-sided puzzles that reveal a new picture. Find out what the fairies ma …

Find out how these fun, stackable blocks became the most popular toys in the world. The LEGO toy company was founded in 1934 by a Danish carpenter who loved making wooden pull toys. From its humble beginnings, the company has lived up to its name--which c …

Based on an episode of Llama Llama's animated Netflix series, this book is all about one of the most fun activities for little llamas (and kids): camping! Look out, world--Llama Llama is a TV star! The beloved character, made famous by Anna Dewdney's bes …

An action-packed coloring book perfect for fans of Sonic Prime! Color in Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails Nine, New Yoke City, and more! This coloring book includes over 60 pages of your favorite characters in the Shatterverse.

Alex Rider is now an IMDb TV/Amazon Original Series! Meet the orphan turned teen superspy who's saving the world one mission at a time--from #1 New York Times bestselling author! They said his uncle Ian died in a car accident. But Alex Rider knows that's …

"Sloan captures the importance of compassion and bravery when facing life's challenges" (Kirkus) in this touching novel by the critically acclaimed author of Counting by 7s. It's been almost a year since Sila's mother traveled halfway around the world to …

Make the harrowing journey home with Queen Bitterblue's sister and spy, in the fifth novel in the bestselling Graceling Realm series. Hava sails across the sea toward Monsea with her sister, the royal entourage, and the world's only copies of the formulas …

Goodnight Hockey is the perfect bedtime board book for every hockey fan! The rhyming text, exciting illustrations, and classic sport combination are a hat-trick of fun for the whole family.

"Full of yearning, ponderances about art and what it means to be an artist, and self-revelation, A Scatter of Light has a simmering intensity that makes it hard to put down."--NPR An Instant New York Times Bestseller Last Night at the Telegraph Club auth …

Enola Holmes--younger sister to Sherlock Holmes--is back on another case! As Enola searches for the missing Lady Blanchefleur del Campo, she discovers that her brother Sherlock is just as diligently searching for Enola herself! Sherlock and Enola must sol …

Meet Dirt and Bugsy - best buds who catch all kinds of bugs - in this fun early reader! Dirt and Bugsy are neighbors, best friends, and bug catchers. Bugs that crawl. Bugs that fly. Bugs that slide. Bugs that hide. When they gather a bunch of beetles, the …

One boy's search for his father leads him to Puerto Rico in this moving-middle grade novel, for fans of Ghost and See You in the Cosmos. Marcus Vega is six feet tall, 180 pounds, and the owner of a premature mustache. When you look like this and you're on …

"Another beautiful book by Jack Cheng." --Erin Entrada Kelly, Newbery Award-winning author of Hello, Universe Creative and brave sixth grader Andy Zhou faces big changes at school and at home in this new novel by the award-winning author of See You in t …

"A totally engrossing small-town mystery about what happens when you finally dig up long-buried secrets." --Jessica Goodman, New York Times bestselling author of They'll Never Catch Us A New York Times bestseller! A teen girl disappears from her small tow …

A fun, comforting bedtime story for sports fans - School Library Journal. From the arrival at the stadium to the last goodnight, Goodnight Baseball is a sweet, nostalgic tale--told in gentle, fun rhyme--about the thrill of a baseball game.

Marble Notebooks College Ruled Are you bored with basic school supplies nowadays? Why not sneak in a little fun with our marble composition books featuring your favorite colors and designs! Our Composition Notebook College Ruled features: Lined noteboo …

Face your fears with Minilla and Godzilla in this original picture book! Minilla and his friends are having a great day on Monster Island, when suddenly Gabara comes in and ruins their fun! Minilla knows it's hard to stand up to others, but with a little …

A captivating tale, from bestselling and award-winning author, that reveals the healing power of duty and honour, love and honey. Mirasol is a beekeeper, a honey-gatherer, with an ability to speak to the "earthlines"--the sentient parts of Willowlands, wh …

Czy kiedykolwiek poszedłeś na skróty, żeby dostać to, czego chcesz…? Fazbear Entertainment zaczyna korzystać z możliwości sztucznej inteligencji, co przynosi nieoczekiwane skutki dla pracowników firmy. Pewien gość Pizzapleksu osiąga nieprawdopodobnie wyso …

He's a cynical, world-weary Londoner. She's a shy Scot. They might seem like opposites, but a few weeks in the Highlands will bring them together in ways they can't imagine... Theo Cavendish is the second son of a British viscount, and he's spent years …

From the opening kick off to the final whistle, Goodnight Football will bring the excitement of a football game to the youngest fan. The rhyming text, vibrant illustrations, and gentle ending will capture the love of the game through a child's eyes. A cel …

Learn about invasive species and animals wreaking havoc in the wild, in this nonfiction leveled reader perfect for kids interested in animals and how they interact when forced to share space! Did you know that wild boars originally from Europe have taken …

Learn about octopuses and all the cool things they can do in this nonfiction leveled reader. Perfect for kids interested in the eight-armed animal and how it survives in the deep blue sea! Did you know that octopuses have been around since before dinosaur …

It's Llama Llama's birthday in this 8x8 based on an episode of the animated Netflix series. Look out, world--Llama Llama is a TV star! The beloved character, made famous by Anna Dewdney's best-selling picture books, is the star of his own original series, …

Get a crash course in all things Sonic the Hedgehog in this introductory handbook, featuring a sheet of stickers from the world of Sonic! Everyone knows that Sonic the Hedgehog is the fastest hero in the world! He has thwarted Dr. Eggman's evil schemes ti …

He's a brooding bodyguard. She's a single mom on the run. And in a town this small, they can't hide from their fierce attraction... It's been a long time since Walker Ironside left behind Scotland and the memories that haunt him. Yet after years of trave …

Make way for her Royal Majesties, Queen Bluey and Queen Bingo! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey and Bingo are playing Queens, but when they both want to play Butler, they can't decide who will take the throne. …

Read along and join Bluey's latest adventure! Based on an episode of the wildy successful animated series, Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Join Bluey for a fun day at the beach! What will she discover along the way? While Mum is off for a walk along the beach, …

Play Mum School with Bluey in this fun storybook! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey wants to play Mum School instead of taking her bath. But when Bluey's balloon kids go out of control, Bluey doesn't know what …

Meet Bingo! This energetic and adorable Red Heeler is always up for an adventure with her big sister, Bluey. Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Learn all about Bingo in this fun shaped board book! Bingo loves to sing, …

Celebrate Easter with Bluey and Bingo with this egg-celent craft activity book! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Get crafty with Bluey and Bingo! Go on an Easter treasure hunt, make some eggy friends, decorate your …

Go to swim school with Bluey and her family in this fun storybook based on the successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey and her family are playing Swim School! But their swimming lessons are proving to be difficult. Can Mum, Dad, and Bin …

Meet Bluey and the Heeler family in this adorable shaped board book! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Spend the day with Bluey, Bingo, and their parents in their home! Play Hairdresser with Bluey, Rug Island with Bi …

Get ready to see double in this fun storybook based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ When Dad complains about how different Bluey and Bingo are, Bluey decides to color Bingo to be more like her. But when Bluey paints hers …