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In our everyday lives, it is easy to become complacent with the mundane, day-to-day tasks that arise. However, it is important to remember how magnificent God's grace is, working in our lives even when we fail to see it. Spirit Thrilled is an encouraging …

Tragedy and loss are a normal part of our everyday lives, yet the darkness of certain situations keeps us from speaking about the painful truth of how these situations mark us. Those who have experienced tragedy and loss tend to keep the pain of their cir …

A Blueprint to Transform your Relationship from Roommates to Soulmates Have you and your spouse lost the loving connection that you once shared? Are you living more like roommates than soul mates? You may feel as if there is no hope and there is nothing y …

The journey of learning to recognize God's voice and discern His guidance is a gradual process. Learning to identify His leadings and guidance became a series of steps for me. Hearing specific instructions, and finding answers, is not something learned ov …

This personal memoir was written to encourage others, especially women to write their stories regardless of family and personal conflicts. I desire the audience to know these conflicts are not coincidental but divinely orchestrated by God. Rev. Frances Ol …

The Definitive Book on the Health Benefits of HONEY New information from current research - New amazing facts Restoring the health of future generations is more than a hopeful promise or a clever slogan. Since ancient times, honey has been known for its m …

Coach Bart Graham coaches a football team that encounters all sorts of challenges on and off the field. Bart is comfortable with his faith and calls on it to assist him while coaching. The team has some experienced and talented players and some who are ne …

BED BUG STEW is two books in one volume! First is a compilation of short story fiction and poetry on a wide range of subject matter: science fiction, messages from the heart, and a little terror thrown in. You will laugh out loud and shed a tear, and you …

Nadia Gordynsky is a Founder, President and CEO of Save a Life International. Save a Life Int. helps women in crisis pregnancy, provides assistance to victims of violence and domestic abuse, and humanitarian aid for mothers and their children. Nadia was b …

Everyone has a testimony. It is the most powerful and indestructible tool one can have to be able to share the amazing power of Jesus with others. Amanda Joy Harris's story is one of abuse and trauma that caused her immense pain but sharing it with the wo …

What was Elvis like in those early Army Days? The question I get most is 'what was he like?' It's hard to give a blanket answer because I knew the 22-year-old version of what everyone else sees in the media and those tell all books. We were kids, clowning …

Yes, It Matters proves that our that our clothing style and selection choices matter as God's children. It does so by furnishing the reader a reasoned explanation of dress standards and the principles that lie beneath them. In the process, this work will …

Amidst the countless reports of bandits, bullies, and bad behavior in the pulpit, we don't hear enough of the unsung heroes of faith and students of integrity. They do exist! Pass the Pulpit is an insightful book in which Pastor D.K. Samu-el, Sr., confron …

HEAR THE CHRISTMAS STORY AS YOU'VE NEVER HEARD IT BEFOREMAKE THE JOURNEY TO THE MANGER ALONG WITHMARY AND JOSEPH, THE SHEPHERDS AND THE MAGIHas the Christmas season become the most stressful time of the year instead of the most wonderful time? Do you stru …

The supernatural visitation described in this study guide happened in 1992. However, I felt that I could not speak of it openly until the "time was right," and that time is now! In the years that followed, I had angelic encounters that are also recounted …

There is something life-changing in your "YES." Joseph, the Biblical Character, discovered this reality when he answered the invitation to a life of meaning and impact. With a dream from God and a "YES" in his heart, he would go on to bring salvation to a …

A difficult time for a family in the country brings about lessons in suffering and God's love in author Elizabeth K. Howell's new children's book, The Christmas Bird. The Christmas Bird follows the adventures of a little bird when his tree home is hauled …

Rev. James A. Solomon is the President of Jesus People's Revival Ministries Inc., as well as the General Overseer and Senior Pastor of Jesus Family Chapel, with 28 branches in Nigeria, the United Kingdom and several other countries. The international head …

How does it happen that two people can be experiencing the same circumstances and conditions on their mission trip, and one person is having a great time, while the other is miserable as can be? And how can one short term mission team prepare so diligentl …

This generation of evangelical Christians has been entrusted by God with financial resources well in excess of what is needed to complete the Great Commission. Most of this wealth is currently earmarked to be passed-down to the next generation, without re …

Since 1988 the Holy Spirit has been taking me to Heaven. Jesus would show me various fun places and allowed me to do fun things. I asked, "Why was He showing me these places? Daddy / God said, "Because people think all they do here is float around wearing …

Daniel has faced multiple tragedies, including the passing of his mother, father, and two grandmothers, as well as his brother's death in 2022. Despite these heart-wrenching losses, he remains committed to using his experiences to bring hope, healing, and …

This powerful book deals with the issue of how Christians, especially those called to counsel, can help survivors of sexual abuse find healing and hope. From 20 years of experience, the author demonstrates how counselors can walk alongside people deeply w …

In this brutally honest and unvarnished memoir, Silvernail speaks openly about her traumatic childhood as she seeks places to hide from a father struggling with alcohol use. The reader will be caught up in a young girl's feelings of disappointment as she …

Many people today shy away from the word "doctrine." However, sound doctrine is simply "healthy teaching," and is foundational for quality Christian living. As one man so eloquently said, "Doctrine is the skeleton of our faith. All other issues hang on it …

Life has brought me challenges from health & home to relationships and business, that seemed absolutely unbearable. Many challenges were backed up with test results and reports, confirming there was no way out. It might have been losing my business, a law …

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God IS love. 1 John 4:8 A Daily Dose of the Living WORD will renew your SPIRIT daily if taken and applied. There is no better way to understand LOVE than to understand God, which IS love. Love is a blessing …

How can you move past pain that crushes your soul? Learn to draw near to the heart of the Father when a seismic shift has left your mind, will and emotions compromised. Receive healing as He gently restores each layer of your brokenness, brokenness He is …

At birth Yamuragiye Cyprien was so severely disabled that his appearance brought fear to the hearts of the residents of his Rwandan village. They were certain that something evil was happening and they were in danger if he was allowed to live. In a cultur …

This book explains life on the earth during the tribulation period (The seven years prior to Jesus' second coming to the earth). The meaning of the symbolism in Revelation are given to the readers. The following events are addressed in detail: 1. Letter …

In law enforcement, individuals are often promoted to supervisory positions before receiving training to serve in those positions effectively. This has ended in catastrophic failure or the proverbial sink-or-swim situation for many first-line supervisors. …

What is a woman? Although society's definition of a woman seems to change frequently, the Bible's depiction of God's design and plan for women has not altered since He created Eve. The biblical passages relating to the role of women must be the source of …

Staying Sane While Loving Someone with a Mental Illness ----- Loving someone who has a mental illness can be as difficult as having the illness itself. It is even possible for those who love someone with a mental illness to suffer even more than their lov …

Pet loss is accompanied by real feelings and emotions such as, sadness, depression, guilt, lethargy, emptiness, and overwhelming grief. How can I recover from the devastating loss of a beloved pet? Why is my grief so debilitating? Am I crazy for loving an …

Production. Passion. Resilience. Teamwork. Contentment. Courage. Faith. These seven skills were embodied over three thousand years ago by a group of elite warriors known as David's Mighty Men. These highly-capable individuals helped take David, the man wh …

It all began on a fateful day in 1992, when author Kevin Zadai died on a hospital operating table after a surgery. While in heaven, he came face to face with the Savior, Jesus Christ, who later came to Kevin regularly in visitations after he survived his …

"I wish I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist had been available when I was an atheist-it would have saved a lot of time in my spiritual journey toward God." Lee Strobel, author, The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, and The Case for a Creator "Th …

A Land Unknown is an astonishing true story of one man's incredible journey to Hell and back, truly, a must read for those curious about the near-death experience written from the Christian perspective.

Wanting a quieter environment to work on her novel, Mercedes Adler moves to the small town of Pedeaux, Ohio for peace to do research as well as people watch for character inspiration. She is shown a large old house that was built in the mid-1800s and inst …

Readers uncover author Donna Rigney's powerful connection to Jesus through her divine encounters. This book explores her visions of heaven and hell as she explains her ability to interpret dreams, recall her experiences to heaven and hell, while providing …

Everett Cox has 32 years in the Deliverance and Healing ministry. Here he shares his simple, proven steps of how to minister to others or minister to yourself. After founding Deliverance Ministries, Inc. in 1984, he has worked with different methods and t …

This book is for someone that has prayed for something and nothing's changed. Or what happens when we ask God to heal someone and they still die? What do you do when your wants don't line up with his will? In 2001, the doctors gave me two years to live, a …

This memoir chronicles the incredible journey of Megan's life after a fatal accident in which three of her friends didn't survive. It is an authentic story of how hope and life can emerge despite encountering seemingly insurmountable challenges. Megan's s …

Wife! Are you about ready to give up on your marriage? Do you feel like your marriage is over? Are you tired of dealing with your husband's foolishness? Wife, Have you forgotten about your wedding vows? In this book, Author Tiffany Helms shares with you t …

"Some people say that Christians should never be depressed. I take issue with that, being a quadriplegic who has battled cancer and struggles daily with pain. I love my Savior, am passionate about His Gospel, and enjoy the ministry He has given me. But th …

Over two billion people in the world call themselves Christian. Yet how many of these people are truly born again? The Bible gives clear indication of who is a true Christian and who is not. Scripture encourages us to test ourselves to see if we are in th …

"The book is intensely practical. A joy to read!" -William Webb "This book fills a hole in the literature of biblical interpretation." -Doug Groothuis "The material in this book dramatically impacted my personal life and ministry." -Lisa Harper "It is a b …

Brother Lawrence (1614 to 1691) was a monk who today is most commonly remembered for the closeness of his relationship with God, as recorded in this little book. He spent almost all of his adult life in solitude, poverty, and obscurity within the walls of …

In this unflinching yet touching memoir, James LeBlanc recounts his life as a bi-racial adoptee growing up poor among the upper-crust of Berkeley, CA. Abandonment, confusion, abuse and loneliness led to a life of addiction, homelessness and incarceration …

"No more do we fight against sickness and disease with just medical science, but we add to this the power of God's Word and Spirit to defeat this universal enemy." Dr Renfro, at the age of 41, was diagnosed with stage 4 mantle cell lymphoma, an aggressive …

If you are struggling to understand life's challenges or the events in our world today, this book is for you! Storyteller Dianne Tolliver provides a glimpse into today's real-life issues. She explores the true, inspirational stories of ordinary people wh …

My life has been touched by God's mercy and His love. I am a survivor of meningococcal meningitis. When I arrived at the hospital, I was unconsciousness, none responsive and septic. Very little data on people who survive Meningitis in this condition. God …

Discovering the life issues that trauma, discord, and betrayals may cause is a major factor to resolving them. Low self-esteem and rejection issues are bound-up in the heart as I discovered during a mid-life crisis. Finding help and successfully resolving …

Bypass the pitfalls, stay on course and serve the Lord with Gladness! We have heard it often, "Many are called, but few are chosen." What happens when you answer the call to leadership? What should you expect on your leadership journey? What should you be …

This book's purpose is meant to be a concise resource/study guide/journal to encourage trauma survivors and give insight for trauma supporters, using biblical principles along with advice from professional trauma experts and training resources. You will …

The book starts out with the heart shield being a symbol of God's love. Next the scripture the lord gave me, Psalm 33:18-22 that accompanies the shield. A prophecy about His love. My introduction explains the simplicity of the book. I have included the sc …

The supernatural visitation described in the book Heavenly Visitation: A Guide to Participating in the Supernatural happened in 1992. However, I felt that I could not speak of it openly until the "time was right," and that time is now! The prayer and conf …

Have you ever lost a beloved pet and wondered, "Did they go to heaven, or did they just die and that's it?" This book finally answers the age old question once and for all. Do animals have spirits? Find out God's true relationship with animals, and how He …

The supernatural visitation described in this book happened in 1992. However, I felt that I could not speak of it openly until the "time was right," and that time is now! In the years that followed, I had angelic encounters that are also recounted in thes …

"In Him, we live, we move, we have our being..."Acts 17. Come and learn where we all came from in Heaven, as the Father Reveals His heart! Revealing Heaven II takes you further into the mysteries of God and continues to unveil His home - HEAVEN! You will …

1st Class Single is a reliable road map that will help any single navigate the often-dangerous course toward holy matrimony. This book gives you the benefit of learning from personal experiences. It's chock-full of practical biblical references and spirit …

Pastoral transitions are inevitable for every church. Unfortunately, pastoral transitions often result in a major setback for the church-and it is becoming more and more difficult for churches to bounce back. In order to mitigate such setbacks, churches a …

This workbook is for those who have suffered from sexual abuse and desire healing. It can be used by individuals or in small groups. You will find hope as you walk through these pages. Diane Mandt Langberg, Ph.D. is a practicing psychologist whose clinica …

Miracles do happen! I Am In-> Adequate is a true story that defies the odds, captures the overwhelming joy of trusting in Jesus, and challenges each of us to pursue passionately the calling that God has on our life. Sammy Hudson shares his personal journe …

Are You Really His Good Thing addresses the perspective of being a wife in society today. Readers will see that the teachings will reside in biblical verses and God's viewpoint of how wives are to be for Him as well as their husbands. Several important as …

You can overcome lust and sexual sin! Overcoming Lust is written for you if you are struggling with sexual sin or are helping others who are struggling. It includes: - Ten chapters that will help you understand lust and how to gain victory over it. - Ten …

The Mormon Doctrine of Exaltation is the teaching within Mormonism that singles out the Mormon religion more than anything else. It is the doctrine which maintains that men can become gods of their own planets after death. Mormonism: Impossible addresses …

Forged in His Fire is a guide on how to have a personal and intimate relationship with our Father, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. God is looking for an end-time army who will step up and fight the good fight, not only by teaching the gospel, but by be …

Do you feel stuck in a marriage filled with adultery, promiscuity, and manipulation? I was. I pray my journey helps you find deliverance. In childhood, I vowed to the Lord I would save my virginity until my wedding day. I lasted twenty-six years before …

Lisa Neifert witnessed the transforming power of a loving, personal God after struggling for many years with alcoholism, prescription drug addiction and low self-esteem operating in her marriage. The gift of desperation ignited a search for truth and answ …

Welcome readers, let me introduce myself. My name is Cheryl Eldridge, I was born and raised in the beautiful state of Wisconsin. I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home, and taught early on to love Jesus, giving my heart to Him at a very young age. …

When I first arrived in heaven and knelt before Jesus, all I could do was say, "YOU DID THIS FOR ME?!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and THANK YOU!!" I could have said this for the next 3000 years or more and still would have want …

From Ashes to Victory To God be the Glory This is the autobiography of my life as it has been transformed by Jesus Christ. I fought fires with water for 37 years on the Phoenix Fire Department. Today, I fight the enemy spiritually with the Word of God. I …

Here are simple but profoundly effective guidelines to encountering God and overcoming hindrances that keep us from the enjoyable friendship with Him that Jesus died for. What is offered here is a biblical way to cultivate a lifestyle of connecting with t …

I'll Hold You in Heaven: Remembrance Book by author Debbie Heydrick is a Christian nonfiction book that helps women process through the grief of having a miscarriage or experiencing the death of a child. In I'll Hold You in Heaven, Debbie helps readers jo …

As a former officer of Marines, a Navy chaplain to Marines, and later a VA chaplain to Veterans, Dr. Scott Jimenez has spent many years working with countless combat Veterans struggling with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). PTSD is also often masked …

Would you like to work in a profession where you can make money and make a profound difference in the lives of others for the glory and honor of God? Whether you decide to change your profession or continue with your current vocation, Rene Compton's inspi …

Change Is Hard but Worth It in The End This book is based on my life lessons as I have ventured throughout my life. I'm not a pastor, psychologist, or expert, I'm just like you, a guy who got tired of being sick and tired and made some drastic changes in …

Abuse, Shame and the Uncommon Journey to Freedom "I've eaten from dumpsters, and I've dined with kings; but neither is all that satisfying." In Forgiving a Good Man, Mark Goodman shares how his journey from homelessness was overshadowed by abuse and its a …

The Wall is the story of an incident or a lifetime. It is one woman's dilemma or the dilemma of all mankind. The Wall is a modern parable about what happens when we surround ourselves with protective walls of our own making - we shut ourselves in and depr …

God isn't far away; He's near. God isn't watching from a distance; He's active and involved. God doesn't want to ruin your life; He wants to fulfill it. Too many people stumble through life with an inaccurate view of who God is. They believe in His existe …

Many believers aren't living an abundant, Christian life because they don't understand their purpose, position or process. These three key ideas are absolutely essential if you want to experience the fullest life possible. Once you understand these basic, …

Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you. (Is. 35:4) Fear has plagued people since the fall of man. It continues to interfere with our dai …

Avery is a young Christian woman who is devoted to loving the Lord. One day, when her mother gets in an accident and accused of a horrible crime, Avery must rely on her senses and guidance from God to prove her innocence along the way she grows in more wa …

Scarred For Life! is a book of hope for anyone who has scars in their life that they don't understand or are struggling to find victory from. Tim, the author has suffered several life-threatening incidents in his life but through them all, he has found th …

This is a fascinating, well illustrated and thoroughly documented response to the relentless anti-Christian propaganda that has been generated by Muslin and Marxist groups and by Hollywood film makers. As Karl Marx declared: "The first battlefield is the …

The Asthma Colouring and Workbook for parents and kids 3-5 years is a book designed to be used by parents and or caregivers teach young children about asthma at home, kindergarten and preschool or even at church health sessions. Through the aged appropria …

Cedric - Footprints in the Sand is an epoch dog tale. Inspired by the true story of a shipwrecked Newfoundland dog who wandered into a small coastal village. Finding his way to the end of a pier, he would spend the remainder of his years rescuing twenty-t …

This book takes the reader on a journey into the rocky and desolate wilderness of Judea to catch a glimpse of the "mighty men" of David. I Chronicles 11 and II Samuel 23 are the two passages in Scripture that describe these men in detail. But these warrio …

"Jerry's New Friend" captures the precious experience that happens when a child realizes that they can be a friend of God. As enthusiasm and curiosity explodes inside of him, he takes the reader on an adventure for answers to the big questions posed to hi …

Mackinac Island is located in Lake Huron. It is about 8.2 miles in circumference. It is one of four crown jewels that are within the borders of Michigan. Upon arrival, you will notice a lot of bicycles, horse-drawn carriages some for hauling freight, othe …

Dear Friend, YOU are invited to TEA with Jesus TODAY!!! "Come to Me," Jesus calls in Matthew 11:28. Please accept! Allow God to draw you into a daily TEA time with Jesus through this 77-day devotional. My TEA CUPP Prayers is an invitation to women everywh …