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Discover the amazing things that happen when you nurture your bright ideas, face your problems, and take bold chances. This collection features all three books in the award-winning, New York Times best-selling What Do You Do With...? book series. The beau …

Since my 1st Edition print in 2012, the MSB has become a very bulky book. The single book size of the 11th Edition exceeds 1200 pages, so, our Print on Demand Ingram publishers would in future print 3 Separate Volumes of approximately 500 pages each. Th …

One value of yoga therapy is its ability to bring us to our senses-figuratively and literally. Inner body sensing and the knowing it evokes is a large part of how we become aware of what we need to attend to and work on in our growth as individuals. In Sp …

"Many people today, despite the evidence, will not believe--don't want to believe--that such atrocities happened in America not so very long ago. These photographs bear witness to . . . an American holocaust." -John Lewis, US Congressman The Tuskegee Inst …

A definitive guide to medical marijuana cultivation and consumption & explains all the essential techniques to grow cannabis. 2,000+ beautiful color images illustrate this book. Medical cannabis history, cannabinoid measurement & medical varieties provid …

Just what IS a "survivalist family"? instead of "survivalist family" we could say "prepared family" or talk about "family preparedness" but that is just so politically correct it makes one sick. Just because the media don't like survivalists and therefore …