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Powrót bohaterów bestsellera Hurt/Comfort! Tym razem w odsłonie graficznej. Magda, najlepsza przyjaciółka Artura, dowiaduje się, że nowa żona jej taty jest w ciąży. I chociaż życie w oku cyklonu i ukrywanie swoich emocji opanowała do perfekcji, to nie um …

Wzruszająca i pełna zwrotów akcji opowieść o przyjaźni i stracie z tajemniczą zbrodnią w tle Elliott i Catherine poznali się, gdy byli dziećmi. Między nimi szybko nawiązała się przyjaźń, jednak pewnego dnia chłopak musiał opuścić miasto. Akurat w dniu, w …

Wciągające fantasy w steampunkowym wydaniu! Wkrocz do świata magów, w którym wszystko jest możliwe. Miej się jednak na baczności. Ceony Twill całe swoje życie marzyła o tym, aby zostać Wytapiaczem – specjalistką od magii metalu. Zdeterminowana ukończyła S …

"Misja na wyspie potworów" to trzecia część przygodowej dziecięcej serii Poradnik łowczyni potworów Przezabawna historia o tajnym stowarzyszeniu babysitterek, które już dawno dały sobie spokój z normalnością. W końcu czy można wieść proste życie, kiedy wa …

Czy jesteś w stanie zawalczyć z mrokiem o siebie i swoich bliskich? Sacramento, rok 1885. Edie i Violet Bond znają prawdę o życiu w zaświatach. Podobnie jak ich matka, która była potężnym medium, siedemnastoletnie bliźniaczki mają zdolności parapsychiczne …

Bestseller "New York Timesa" i "USA Today" oraz książka Reese's Witherspoon Book Club. Gotycka opowieść o ambicji, miłości i sekretach - nie tylko tych zakopanych głęboko pod ziemią. Edynburg, 1817. Hazel to dobrze urodzona, lecz postępująca na przekó …

A gdyby okazało się, że jesteś prawdziwą księżniczką? Izumi Tanaka zawsze w głębi serca czuła, że odstaje od rówieśników - nie jest łatwo być Japończykiem w małym, zapyziałym miasteczku w północnej Kalifornii. Wychowana przez samotną matkę, z którą zawsze …

11 utraconych tygodni. 11 szans, żeby je odzyskać. Rok temu: Życie Elli było idealne. Miała cudownych przyjaciół i niesamowitego chłopaka. Wszystko się zmieniło w momencie wypadku samochodowego. Kiedy Ella obudziła się w szpitalu, nie pamiętała ani tragic …

Znaleźć dom. Zakochać się. Zawalczyć o przynależność. Jedynym domem, jaki zna Ander Martínez, jest dzielnica Santos Vista w San Antonio. Na jej ulicach rozbrzmiewa mieszanka języka hiszpańskiego i angielskiego, a w restauracjach rozchodzi się apetyczny za …

Ostatni tom serii fantasy, której czytanie staje się nałogiem. Tylko w Domu Cieni mrok rozstanie rozświetlony. Quin powraca do Glas Dir, aby zasiąść na tronie rzecznego królestwa. Napędza go nie tylko przekonanie, że ma do tego prawo jako książę, ale równ …

Podczas reality show wszystko może się wydarzyć. Ale jedno jest pewne - nigdy, przenigdy nie wróci do swojego eks. Osiemnastoletnia Maya rozstała się z Jordym dwa lata temu. Została zdradzona i pozostawiona ze złamanym sercem. Gdy otrzymuje zaproszenie do …

Ostatni tom trylogii Zemsta! To wciągająca, trzymająca w napięciu i pełna akcji opowieść. Po Ból za ból i Ogień za ogień przyszedł czas na Popiół za popiół. Sylwester zakończył się z hukiem, a Mary, Kat i Lillia nie są przygotowane na to, co ma nadejść. D …

To miał być najpiękniejszy horror na świecie… Zimna, deszczowa jesień. Troje nastolatków dostaje role w gotyckim horrorze kręconym na zamku w mglistym i mrocznym zakątku Szkocji. Mają spędzić dwa miesiące na planie filmu pod okiem ekscentrycznej reżyserki …

Jeden list, który wywróci jej życie do góry nogami… Przez całe życie Ri Fernández słyszała: "Żyjemy w Ameryce i mówimy po angielsku". Wychowana przez surową babcię, która odcina ją od ludzi o tym samym pochodzeniu, czuje się samotna i nie może znaleźć swo …

Jenna Ortega, uwielbiana na całym świecie aktorka młodego pokolenia, zaprasza w podróż pełną wzruszeń z książką w ręku. Napisany przez nią poradnik przypomina czytelnikom, że w każdym drzemie potężna moc i żenigdy nie jesteśmy sami. Zawsze otacza nas miło …

Czy dwie niedopasowane części mogą stworzyć całość? Mallory to outsiderka. Ma wrażenie, że w szkole jest jak niedopasowany puzzel. Najbardziej ceni swoją grupkę przyjaciół. To, że mają siebie, pomaga im przetrwać. Życie dziewczyny wciąż uprzykrza Elliot. …

Rok wydania: 2022",""Dla nas zawsze będzie lato" Ostatni tom trylogii Lato Jenny Han - idealnej, żeby spędzić z nią wakacje! Belly od zawsze wiedziała, że kocha dwóch chłopców o nazwisku Fisher. Minęły dwa lata, odkąd Conrad powiedział Belly, żeby wybrała …

Flintowi Larsenowi pozostało 41 dni, 9 godzin i 42 minuty życia. Flint jako ośmiolatek poczuł ukłucie informujące o tym, że pozostała mu połowa życia. Wiedział więc, kiedy nadejdzie jego koniec. Przygotowuje się do swojej śmierci od dłuższego czasu - odci …

Gdy wymarzone wakacje zamieniają się w koszmar i nie wiesz już komu zaufać… Pięcioro świeżo upieczonych maturzystów, Fio, Wenus, Hanna, Kostek i Robin, spędzają lato w Domku z Drewna i Szkła. Właścicielem tego miejsca jest starszy od nich Adam - przybran …

Słodka jak francuski makaronik i kusząca jak świeży croissant, romantyczna opowieść o ambitnej amerykańskiej balerinie i uroczym francuskim chłopaku. Mia Jenrow zawsze wiedziała, że jej przeznaczeniem jest zostać primabaleriną. I rzeczywiście taniec ma we …

Czy Chłopak Numer Sto będzie tym jedynym? Micah Summers prowadzi popularny profil na Instagramie, na którym opublikował już 99 rysunków swoich wymarzonych chłopaków, jednak sam nigdy nie był w związku. Kiedy słodka znajomość z Chłopakiem Numer Sto niekont …

Nowa powieść osoby autorskiej głośnego "Sezonu luster"! Nikt mi nie uwierzył, kiedy powiedziałom, że widziałom świat pod jeziorem. Nie było tu nikogo innego, kto go widział lub chociaż by udawał, że widział. A potem poznałom Lore. Kiedyś wszyscy mieszkają …

Jenna Ortega, uwielbiana na całym świecie aktorka młodego pokolenia, zaprasza w podróż pełną wzruszeń z książką w ręku. Napisany przez nią poradnik przypomina czytelnikom, że w każdym drzemie potężna moc i że nigdy nie jesteśmy sami. Zawsze otacza nas mił …

Życie siedemnastoletniego Aleksandra nie jest usłane różami. W domu wciąż brakuje pieniędzy, mama zaharowuje się w kolejnych pracach, a przy jego boku nie ma nawet przyjaciół, którzy mogliby pomóc w odczarowaniu szarej rzeczywistości. Dlatego jest bardzo …

Drugi tom wakacyjnej trylogii Lato Jenny Han autorki bestsellerowej serii Do wszystkich chłopców, których kochałam. Kiedyś Belly nie mogła się doczekać powrotu do letniego domu, który należał do rodziny Conrada i Jeremiaha. Jednak to lato będzie inne. Pro …

Jessie K. ma piętnaście lat i właśnie otrzymała diagnozę autyzmu. Zawsze wiedziała, że nie jest taka jak rówieśnicy. Jako Palestynka wyróżniała się kolorem skóry w białej dzielnicy, w której dorastała, i myślała, że to właśnie główny powód. Rodzice tłumac …

Celebrate love with Bluey and Bingo! Based on the award-winning animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ "Love can be found in the strangest of places." It's bedtime! Read a bedtime story with Mum and Bingo about all the ways you can love while Dad tries …

Get into the holiday spirit with Bluey and Bingo! Write a letter to Santa, make your own Christmas labels, and play with stickers. Based on the wildly successful animated series, Bluey, as seen on Disney+ With over 50 stickers, plus puzzles, games, and mo …

Read along in this picture book and join Bluey's latest adventure! Based on the on the wildly successful animated series, Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Join Bluey and Bingo as they try to answer the question: can grannies dance? This picture book retells one …

Sing along with Bluey and Bingo in this tabbed board book! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey and Bingo love to make up fun songs for their games, and now you can learn the words and sing along with them! This t …

Go to swim school with Bluey and her family in this fun storybook based on the successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey and her family are playing Swim School! But their swimming lessons are proving to be difficult. Can Mum, Dad, and Bin …

Have fun with Bluey and Bingo as they play their favorite games! There are stickers to place, puzzles to solve, and so much more. With over 100 stickers, plus puzzles, games, and more, Time to Play! is the perfect sticker and activity book for fans of Blu …

Renowned author Joseph Bruchac tells a powerful story of a girl who learns more about her Penacook heritage while sheltering in place with her grandparents during the coronavirus pandemic. Malian loves spending time with her grandparents at their home on …

Get ready to see double in this fun storybook based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ When Dad complains about how different Bluey and Bingo are, Bluey decides to color Bingo to be more like her. But when Bluey paints hers …

Celebrate Father's Day with this fun craft activity book based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Find the footy, play Rug Island, create some leaf art, and more with Bluey, Bingo, and their awesome Dad, Bandit!

The bestselling picture book that Publisher's Weekly calls "simultaneously sassy and sweet." Rabbit loves carrots and that's a big problem! In this phenomenal bestseller, Rabbit loves carrots a little too much. In fact, his carrots are crowding him out of …

Celebrate Christmas with Bluey and her family! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bartlebee is Bluey's new toy, and he will be celebrating his first Christmas with the Heeler family! But during their annual Christmas …

Play Shadowlands with Bluey and her friends in this fun storybook, based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Bluey, Coco, and Snickers are playing Shadowlands, but Coco keeps wanting to change the rules! Can the three friend …

Learn how a young girl who loved being in the water became one of the greatest Olympic swimmers of all time in this exciting addition to the Who HQ Now series featuring newsmakers and trending topics. Katie Ledecky began swimming competitively at age six …

The Newbery Honor Book and New York Times Bestseller that is historical fiction with a hint of mystery about living at Alcatraz not as a prisoner, but as a kid meeting some of the most famous criminals in our history. Al Capone Does My Shirts has become a …

The inspiring story of the seven-time Super Bowl champion, told in the new Who HQ Now format for trending topics. On February 7, 2021, Tom Brady lifted the Vince Lombardi Trophy into the air for the seventh time in his career. After winning the Super Bowl …

Learn about octopuses and all the cool things they can do in this nonfiction leveled reader. Perfect for kids interested in the eight-armed animal and how it survives in the deep blue sea! Did you know that octopuses have been around since before dinosaur …

Llama Llama learns to swim in this sweet 8x8 based on an episode from the Netflix animated television series. Look out, world--Llama Llama is a TV star! The beloved character, made famous by Anna Dewdney's best-selling picture books, is the star of his ow …

Celebrate Father's Day with Llama Llama and Nelly Gnu in this paperback picture book based on an episode of the animated Llama Llama Netflix series. Look out, world--Llama Llama is a TV star! The beloved character, made famous by Anna Dewdney's best-selli …

Millions of Americans remember Dick and Jane (and Sally and Spot, too!). Now Dick and Jane and all their pals are back with revised editions of these classic readers for a whole new generation of readers to enjoy! Go, Go, Go Oh, Jane. Look and see. See S …

Mo is going swimming in the perenially popular, Geisel Award-winning readers series by David A. Adler, now with a fresh look! It's Field Day at summer camp and Mo's group, the Guppies, is competing for extra ice cream! He and his friends are doing their b …

Among the towering fir trees of the Pacific Northwest, a famously elusive creature is in serious trouble. INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE BONUS STORY about the medieval Secret Order of the Unicorn! All Elliot wants is a nice, normal day at school. All Uchenna wants …

Sonic the Hedgehog is racing back to the big screen in April 2022! This storybook is perfect for young fans who want to learn all about Sonic and the friends he made on Earth! Includes a sheet of character stickers!

Cam Jansen has a great time looking for shells on the beach with her friend Eric and her aunt Molly. But when they're done, Cam's mother is nowhere in sight! She was just sitting under a red umbrella, so how could she have disappeared? With a click, Cam p …

It's Mother's Day in this 8x8 based on an episode of the animated LLama LLama Netflix series. Look out, world--Llama Llama is a TV star! The beloved character, made famous by Anna Dewdney's best-selling picture books, is the star of his own original serie …

It's a rainy day when Cam and her classmates arrive at school. Their classroom is neat and clean, but there is something there that does not belong. Meow! A cat with a spot on its tail is napping near the coat rack. How did a cat get in their classroom? D …

Cam and her classmates have a forgetful substitute teacher. First, heforgot the homework assignment. And where did he put his jacket? But when his car keys and cell phone go missing, everyone starts to wonder: did he lose them or were they stolen? Readers …

Marble Notebooks Wide Ruled Are you and your kids bored with basic school supplies nowadays? Why not sneak in a little fun with our cute and fun marble composition books featuring your favorite colors and subjects! Our Composition Notebooks feature: 100 …

Two of New York Times bestseller and legendary sportswriter Mike Lupica's best loved and bestselling titles in one action-packed volume! The action is on the basketball court in Travel Team, when the underdogs get a second chance and prove that you can't …

Cam and Eric's class is going on a field trip to the zoo. But Eric can't find his permission slip, and without it, he can't go on the field trip. Where did it go? Did he drop it somewhere? Was it stolen? Will Cam Jansen's amazing memory help to find Eric' …

The lovable little dog with a GIANT personality is back--battling something that may be worse than squirrels! Life is pretty much a bag of treats when you're an endlessly energetic Jack Russell Terrier. For Fenway, days are filled with important things l …

Strawberry Shortcake is back in a whole new adventure in Big Apple City! This sticker and activity book based on the new series Berry in the Big City is perfect for fans who love Strawberry Shortcake! Filled with puzzles, activities, and more, this book i …

Can the Power of Friendship Save the Day? Get ready for a whirlwind adventure with The Chambered Nautilus, the thrilling conclusion to Laura Segal Stegman's enchanting Summer of L.U.C.K. trilogy. Best friends Darby, Justin, and Naz are facing their bigg …

I moved out to LA to participate in a Graphic Design scholarship that turned out to be fake. That was just my luck. But there was no way I could return home. Not to the already disappointed faces of my parents, who have never believed that 'fiddling aroun …

Horses live on a farm. Apples grow on a farm. A tractor drives on a farm. What else might you find on a farm? Read along and look at the photographs to find out! This Level 1 reader is filled with photos that capture life on a farm!

Learn about turtles and their many talents in this nonfiction leveled reader perfect for kids interested in these shelled creatures and their lives on land and in the water! Did you know that leatherback turtles can weigh up to two thousand pounds? Or tha …

Magic is in the air and in you! Celebrate Winter Swirl and the new year with Strawberry Shortcake and her berry best friends in this flan-tastic storybook with stickers! In The Magic Is You, Strawberry Shortcake and her friends are all in a rush to get ev …

The ultimate fact book and journal for fans of Selena Gomez! Packed with fun facts, quick quizzes, and bonus pages for journaling, this is a must-have for any Selenators.

The perfect bedtime book for young soccer fans. From the opening kickoff to the final goal, a young girl says goodnight to her most beloved sport: soccer. With delightful, rhyming text and energetic art, acclaimed author Michael Dahl (Goodnight Baseball, …

Explore the wide world of dancers and the history and cultures associated with each beautiful art form! Learn the stories and see breathtaking photographs of global performances in A World of Dancers, a nonfiction leveled reader perfect for kids intereste …

You want your life to matter-- take the first step by knowing God through His Word. You want your life to matter, and Know Your Bible Devotions for Teen Guys encourages you to pursue greatness--by knowing and obeying God's Word. This entertaining and enc …

Mum is going to a baby shower! Can Dad keep Bluey and Bingo entertained in this storybook? Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ When Mum goes to a baby shower, Dad is in charge of taking care of Bluey and Bingo for the …

Meet Bluey! This lovable and imaginative blue heeler puppy is ready for her next adventure. Based on the on the wildly successful animated series, Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Learn all about Bluey Heeler in this fun shaped board book! Bluey loves to play, e …

A sturdy lift-the-flap board book filled with fun surprises! Based on the award-winning animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Keepy Uppy, Magic Asparagus, Featherwand, and more! Every day is filled with fun surprises with Bluey and her family! This li …

The perfect coloring book for fans of Sonic the Hedgehog! Over 60 pages of coloring fun with your favorite characters like Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and more in this super awesome coloring book!

A super fun coloring book perfect for fans of Bluey! Based on the wildly successful animated series Bluey, as seen on Disney+ Color in a game of Grannies, a Fancy Restaurant, Muffin dancing as a ballerina, and more! This coloring book has over 64 pages pa …

An action-packed book full of games, stickers, and activities starring SEGA's classic video game hero Sonic the Hedgehog! Dr. Eggman is at it again with one of his schemes to take over the planet. But never fear, Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends are her …

Mo hits the ice in the perenially popular, Geisel Award-winning Mo Jackson series by David A. Adler! Mo and his dad are practicing before the big ice hockey game against the Ducks later that day. Mo is having trouble staying upright as he skates across th …

Walt Disney always loved to entertain people. Often it got him into trouble. Once he painted pictures with tar on the side of his family's white house. His family was poor, and the happiest time of his childhood was spent living on a farm in Missouri. His …

Meet Dirt and Bugsy - best buds who catch all kinds of bugs - in this fun early reader! Dirt and Bugsy are neighbors, best friends, and bug catchers. Bugs that crawl. Bugs that fly. Bugs that slide. Bugs that hide. When they gather a bunch of beetles, the …

Every year Tortoise sleeps through winter. He assumes he isn't missing much. However, his friends are determined to prove otherwise! Will Tortoise sleep through another winter, or will his friends convince him to stay awake and experience the frosty fun o …

Don't miss Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess! Now a Netflix original movie starring Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, and Helena Bonham Carter! Enola Holmes--younger sister to Sherlock Holmes--is back on another case! Enola is thrown into a …

A Newbery Medal Winner For over thirty-five years, Ellen Raskin's Newbery Medal-winning The Westing Game has been an enduring favorite. This highly inventive mystery involves sixteen people who are invited to the reading of Samuel W. Westing's will. The …

Millions of Americans remember Dick and Jane (and Sally and Spot, too!). Now Dick and Jane and all their pals are back with revised editions of these classic readers for a whole new generation of readers to enjoy! Jump and Run Sally said, "Oh, look. Moth …

The perfect bedtime book for young soccer fans. From the opening kickoff to the final goal, a young girl says goodnight to her most beloved sport: soccer. With delightful, rhyming text and energetic art, acclaimed author Michael Dahl (Goodnight Baseball, …

Go back to the thrilling time of warring knights who were prepared to give their life in order to protect their lord and his castle. Castles may conjure up a romantic fairy tale world; however, in real life, during the Middle Ages, castles were fortresses …

Some people call the American flag Stars and Stripes or Old Glory. But did you know that it hasn't always looked the same? Read this Level 3 reader, and you will find out all about the history of the American flag.

The award-winning author of We Are Okay and Hold Still returns with another beautifully crafted coming-of-age journey about embracing your past, and finding love when you least expect it; set within the Los Angeles film world. Just out of high school, Emi …

"Look, Jane, " said Dick. "Here is something funny. Can you guess what it is?"

Visit the world of Super Sema in this fun, STEAM-filled 8x8 with stickers! When a meteorite crashes outside of Dunia, Super Sema and her nemesis Tobor both wish to collect its minerals. With Tobor planning to make a statue of himself for the people of Dun …

Pencilmate has his eyes on the prize in this chapter book. Perfect for fans of the hit YouTube series Pencilmation! Pencilmate signs up for the Pencilympics, a competition of super athletic challenges, in order to win a quadrillion dollar prize! Follow Pe …

Overwhelmed by anxiety and depression? . . . It's difficult to manage life's burdensome feelings and frustrations. When you don't know where in the world to turn, God's Word can help. These180 devotions and prayers are a welcome start--by offering much- …

Learn about invasive species and animals wreaking havoc in the wild, in this nonfiction leveled reader perfect for kids interested in animals and how they interact when forced to share space! Did you know that wild boars originally from Europe have taken …

Marble Notebooks College Ruled Are you and your kids bored with basic school supplies nowadays? Why not sneak in a little fun with our cute and fun marble composition books featuring your favorite colors and designs! Our Composition Notebooks feature: 10 …

How Will You Be Remembered After You Die? Join thirteen-year-old Gary Carter, his best friend, Coop, and his loyal canine sidekick, Russell, as they embark on an electrifying adventure on Mount Diablo, aka "Ghost Mountain." When Russell unearths a bone …

Whether he is besting Brer Fox or sneaking into Mr. Man's garden, Brer Rabbit is always teaching a valuable lesson. These classic tales are full of wit, humor, and creativity, and Julius Lester brings an added contemporary sense to these forty-eight timel …

Learn about the history of sea monsters in this photographic nonfiction leveled reader perfect for kids interested in the natural - and unnatural - world! Did you know that the legendary Hercules fought against the hydra, a sea monster with many heads? Or …

Ride along with Strawberry Shortcake and her friends! Strawberry Shortcake and her friends decide to shake things up by going on a butterfly ride. All the girls have a fruitastic time, but Orange has so much fun that she decides she doesn't want to come …

Kids Activity Book Discover and celebrate the stars and outer space with this fun-filled activity book for kids including mazes, connect the dot puzzles, color by number, word search, coloring pages, spot the difference puzzles, find the pair games, and …

Once upon a time, Monroe Sinclair was Brodan Adair's best friend, but now he's a stranger and one of Hollywood's leading men... It took Monroe Sinclair eighteen years to return home to Ardnoch after a fateful night that devastated her friendship with Br …

The beloved amanda lovelace elevates her captivating words with this spellbinding coloring book, a companion for her equally enchanting tarot deck. Award-winning poetess and author amanda lovelace brings fans the warmest activity book a witch could ask fo …

Join Super Sema and her friends in this adventurous activity book with stickers, games, and puzzles! Super Sema Sticker & Activity Book features activities, games, puzzles, and tons of stickers! Explore Super Sema's town, Dunia, stop the evil plans of her …

Bestselling authors Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz bring us a romantic retelling of Little Women starring Jo March and her best friend, the boy next door, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence--now available in paperback! 1869, Concord, Massachusetts: After t …

Learn about the smallest and scariest creatures in the world in this photographic nonfiction leveled reader perfect for kids interested in real-life animals that can do unbelievable things! Did you know that the blue dragon sea slug is the length of a pap …

Czy kiedykolwiek poszedłeś na skróty, żeby dostać to, czego chcesz…? Fazbear Entertainment zaczyna korzystać z możliwości sztucznej inteligencji, co przynosi nieoczekiwane skutki dla pracowników firmy. Pewien gość Pizzapleksu osiąga nieprawdopodobnie wyso …