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Unknown to most modern-day investors and traders who cherish Reminiscences of a Stock Operator as one of the most important investment books ever written, the material first appeared in the 1920s as a series of articles and illustrations in the Saturday E …

How to leverage ordinary greatness to create a competitive advantage for any organization Enabling readers to maximize leadership skills, no matter the venue, Ordinary Greatness helps those who are in leadership positions to optimize their organizational …

A detailed look at the common characteristics found in most successful traders While there are a variety of approaches to trading in the financial markets, profitable traders tend to share similar underlying characteristics. Most have a methodology that t …

A groundbreaking guide to making profitable business decisions Do you wonder why your value initiatives aren't providing the payoff you'd hoped for? Could it be because you've been thinking about value all wrong? According to the authors of this groundbre …

The most practical, complete, and accessible guide for understanding algebra If you want to make sense of algebra, check out Practical Algebra: A Self-Teaching Guide. Written by two experienced classroom teachers, this Third Edition is completely revised …

Designed for students who are taking their first course in physics, this manual provides a large selection of classical laboratory experiments. Many of these experiments are written with multiple procedures to accommodate several popular approaches to the …

Have you ever been led by someone who cared for you like family, and dared you to achieve more than you ever thought possible for yourself, your organization, and even society? Award-winning author of Hostage at the Table, George Kohlrieser, along with hi …

Do Your Customers Make More Money Doing Business With You? Knowing the answer can help you build measurable and valuable customer relationships, outperform the competition, and unlock profitable growth. Companies are blind to opportunities for profitable …

The Wizard and the Warrior gives leaders the insight and courage they need to take risks on behalf of values they cherish and the people they guide. Great leaders must act both as wizard, calling on imagination, creativity, meaning, and magic, and as warr …

Die Unternehmenswelt ist vergleichbar mit der Welt des Profisports: harte Konkurrenz und enorme Belastung. Jack Groppel - Unternehmens-Consultant der Spitzenklasse, Dozent und Trainer - luftet das Geheimnis, wie z.B. Topmanager bei Morgan Stanley oder Est …

The fun way to get a grip on every aspect of golf Golf is a popular spectator sport, but for those who play it's a great source of low impact cardiovascular, strength, and aerobic exercise. In addition, golf is by nature a social game that provides the op …

Do demons and devils have free will? Does justice exist in Menzoberranzan? What's the morality involved with player characters casting necromancy and summoning spells? Dungeons & Dragons and Philosophy probes the rich terrain of philosophically compelling …

How to build a culture of high performance within your organization The U.S. military in general, and its many elite organizations in particular, possesses a culture of high performance. Courage to Execute outlines the six basic principles that operate at …

Understanding Behaviorism is a classic textbook that explains the basis of behavior analysis and its application to human problems in a scholarly but accessible manner. Now in its third edition, the text has been substantially updated to include the late …

Das einzige Buch, das einen der geheimnisvollsten Anleger im Investmentgeschaft portratiert: Charlie Munger - der Kopf, der hinter Investmentguru Warren Buffett stand. Geschrieben von Janet Lowe, beruhmte Autorin der WILEY Speaks-Bestsellerreihe. Sie hat …

The new edition of Dyslexia is written for parents of dyslexic children and the professionals who work with them, and provides information on the role parents can play in supporting their dyslexic child. This updated edition contains new material and up-t …

A fascinating guide on the psychology of crime Thinking of a career that indulges your CSI fantasies? Want to understand the psychology of crime? Whether studying it for the first time or an interested spectator, Forensic Psychology For Dummies gives you …

Financial planning is a young industry. The International Association of Financial Planning--one of the predecessors to the Financial Planning Association--was formed less than forty years ago. But as the profession's first tier of advisers reaches maturi …

Wie setzt man Wissen und Informationen effektiver ein als die Mitbewerber? Eine Frage, die im gegenw�rtigen 'Digitalen Zeitalter' st�ndig an Bedeutung gewinnt. Der Autor f�hrt ein Ma , den Unternehmens-IQ, ein, um zu bewerten, wie eine Firma Informationen …