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Color and Frame - Painted Deserts coloring book is filled with whimsical art based on desert scenes, plants, and animals. 31 images to color. Images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out so you can frame or s …

In this brilliant two-part memoir, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Hilton Als distills into one cocktail the deep and potent complexities of love and of loss, of Prince and of power, of desire and of race. It's delicious and it's got the kick of a mule, …

Rediscover the simple pleasure of coloring! Features 31 calming coloring pages, including sea shells, flowers, mandalas, feathers, and more. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. …

Fragment książki: () Jesteś kobietą. Stań przed sobą w prawdzie, przejrzyj się w lustrze. Niech w tej chwili nic nie przeszkadza Ci w tej rozmowie z sobą. Jesteś. Po prostu. Ta książka, to Twoje lustro. Przejrzyj się w nim i znajdź te odbicia, które chces …

Ta książka jest zaproszeniem do otwarcia naszych serc, aby przemyśleć na nowo nasz stosunek do choroby i doświadczyć jej w inny sposób. Patrzy mi prosto w oczy: Miałam 12 lat, kiedy moja matka została zdiagnozowana. Tego dnia, Claire, wiedziałam, że ra …

This gem of lyric prose has enchanted both young and old for over half a century and is now a modern classic. Dylan Thomas (1914-1953), one of the greatest poets and storytellers of the twentieth century, captures a child's-eye view and an adult's fond me …

Cutting ties with a toxic family member is a crucial step away from a legacy of dysfunction and toward healing and happiness. This compassionate guide will help you embrace your decision with a sense of pride, validation, and faith in yourself; and provid …

Rediscover the simple joy of coloring! Features 31 relaxing coloring pages, including cacti, butterflies, flowers, mandalas, and more. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. Thic …

Rediscover the simple pleasure of coloring! Features 31 relaxing images to color, including birds, flowers, mandalas, crystals, and more. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. Th …

This landmark novella--one of the central texts of Mexican literature, is eerily relevant to our current dark times--offers a child's-eye view of a society beset by dictators, disease, and natural disasters, set in "the year of polio, foot-and-mouth disea …

"Jak uzdrowić toksyczne myśli" przedstawia głęboką metodę uzdrawiania, tak współczesną, jak i klasyczną. Sandra Ingerman, terapeutka i praktyk szamański, uczy nas, jak radzić sobie z negatywnymi emocjami poprzez medytacje, wizualizacje i inne ćwiczenia. P …

"Moje imię to Ariadna, czyli tkająca świetlną nić... ...Jestem podróżniczką. W czasie i przestrzeni. Tam, gdzie czas nie płynie liniowo, a przestrzeń jest wielokrotnie zakrzywianą strukturą, podróże są łatwe. Nie wiedziałam o tym od początku. To wiedza uk …

Prizewinning Book: The Dawn of Detroit won both the Merle Curti Prize and the James Rawley Prize, two of the top distinctions in American History Media track record: Hardcover edition attracted major national media attention and stellar reviews. Hardcover …

In 1949, Jean Cocteau spent twenty days in New York, and began composing on the plane ride home this essay filled with the vivid impressions of his trip. With his unmistakable prose and graceful wit, he compares and contrasts French and American culture: …

Charged with sensuality and passion, Pablo Neruda's love poems caused a scandal when published anonymously in 1952. In later editions, these verses became the most celebrated of the Noble Prize winner's oeuvre, captivating readers with earthbound images t …

Join millions of adults around the world who are rediscovering the simple relaxation and joy of coloring! Color and Frame - In the Forest coloring book features the art of Stacy Peterson. Whimsical coloring pages fill this book - from forest scenes, to he …

This Color and Frame - Ocean Treasures coloring book is filled with whimsical art based on ocean scenes, plants, and animals. 31 images to color. Images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out so you can frame …

Color and Frame By the Sea coloring book features the art of Ana Davis. Whimsical coloring pages fill this book - from sea turtles, to starfish, to lighthouses, each page holds an imaginative coloring experience. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one sided pages …

This Color and Frame - In the Garden coloring book features the art of Lily Ashbury.Whimsical coloring pages fill this book - from gorgeous florals, to squirrels, to butterflies, each page holds an imaginative coloring experience. 31 images to color. 8 x …

Filled with devotion and lust, sensuality and eroticism, fevers and overtures, these poems showcase some of the most passionate verses in the French language. From the classic sixteenth-century love sonnets of Louise Lab� and Maurice Sc�ve to the piercing …

Large Print Easy Color & Frame Cats is full of whimsical art inspired by our favorite feline friends.These 31 coloring pages are filled with cozy kitties, cat toys, cute quotes, and more!Images vary in style and complexity.8 x 10 inch perforated, one-side …

Join millions of adults around the world who are rediscovering the simple relaxation and joy of coloring! The 31 coloring pages are filled with flowers, birds, butterflies, and other sights you might see in a country garden.Perforated, one-sided pages are …

Little ways to stay mindful, be present, and raise good humans--every day! As a parent, it's the little things you do each and every day that can help your kids grow up to be kind, confident, and conscientious human beings. But if you're like many parent …

Rediscover the simple pleasure of coloring! Features 31 relaxing images of garden scenery to color. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. Spiral binding allows pages to lay flat w …

Slow down with this adorable sloth-themed coloring book.31 images to color!Spiral binding allows pages to lay flat while coloring.8x10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out to frame or share.This coloring book is made for grown-ups but al …

This coloring book is filled with whimsical art based on beautiful flowers and plants. Includes 31 easy-to-see images to color. 8 x 10 inch perforated pages allow easy tear out to frame or share. Thicker paper helps prevent marker or pen from bleeding t …

"First you take a drink," F. Scott Fitzgerald once noted, "then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you." Fitzgerald wrote alcohol into almost every one of his stories. On Booze gathers debutantes and dandies, rowdy jazz musicians, lost children …

From the Nobel Prize winner, a coming-of-age story that illuminates the harshness and beauty of an Africa on the brink of colonization "[Gurnah's novels] recoil from stereotypical descriptions and open our gaze to a culturally diversified East Africa unfa …

Nieopodal mojego miejsca zamieszkania w Kopenhadze znajduje się cmentarz, który jest pięknym parkiem, gdzie każda alejka odkrywa przede mną stale coś nowego.

Dziś powszechnie zapanowały ignorancja, strach, materializm, fanatyzm. Jednak to nie jest możliwe, żeby wszyscy ludzie wyłącznie tym się kierowali i żyli w tak urojonym świecie. Czy tylko jednostki widzą i czują inaczej, zdając sobie sprawę, gdzie tak nap …

Wieść Niesie po Lesie to książka stworzona w duchu naszej rodzimej kultury i wiedzy. Związana jest ze słowiańską tradycją z różnych powodów wypieraną latami, a która teraz powoli, na nowo się odradza, zgodnie z potrzebą Pomaga nam odkryć swoje korzenie, s …

Rediscover the simple pleasure of coloring! Features 31 relaxing nature images to color, including flowers, butterflies, trees, and much more. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and fram …

Calm your soul, build your faith, and open your heart as you color and meditate on God's Word.Contains 63 beautiful images of ready-to-color line art.Each image includes an inspiring psalm from the Bible.Perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out so …

This coloring book includes a variety of inspirational images and quotes.Images range in complexity and style.Spiral binding allows pages to lie flat while coloring.8 x10 inch perforated, one-sided pages allows easy tear out to frame or share.Thicker pape …

31 Halloween themed coloring pages, including: jack o'lanterns, candy, bats, snazzy skeletons, mummy, trick or treat sign, owl, ghosts, haunted house, spider in a web, witches hat, cats, and more!Images vary in style and complexity.Perforated, one-sided p …

Far Far Away is the Colombian master Evelio Rosero's ninth novel and has been billed by his Spanish publisher as "one of the most important Colombian works of fiction written in the past two decades." In search of his missing granddaughter Rosaura, an old …

Liam Osborne has a dream - to play professional football for Clifton Rangers. The year is 1989. Clifton Rangers have gone from Division One champions and European Cup winners to being one of the favourites for relegation from Division Two. Former player a …

Ludzie tak lubią podróżować, a tak rzadko podróżują w głąb siebie. Możemy zwiedzić cały świat, ale jeśli nie odbędziemy najważniejszej z wypraw do własnego wnętrza, cała reszta jest niczym. Zapraszam Cię na wyprawę, dzięki której odkryjesz swoje życie na …

Rediscover the simple pleasure of coloring! Features 31 relaxing images of life under the sea to color. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. Spiral binding allows pages to lay fl …

Rediscover the simple pleasure of coloring! Features 31 relaxing images of birds to color. Large-print images range in complexity. 8 x 10 inch, perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out and frame. Spiral binding allows pages to lay flat while colo …

31 images to color!8"x10" perforated, one-sided pages are easy to tear out so you can frame or share.Spiral binding allows the book to lay flat while coloring.Thicker paper helps prevent marker from bleeding through to the next page.This coloring book is …

Gathered here are the gems of William Carlos Williams's astonishing achievements in poetry. Dramatic, energetic, beautiful, and true, this slim selection will delight any reader--The Red Wheelbarrow & Other Poems is a book to be treasured.

The 100 No-Equipment Workouts Volume 2 is for everyone who wants to stay active, get fitter, improve muscle tone and feel better. Find a workout you like, perform it to your level and set your goals to go higher and conquer it. A wide variety of workouts …

A haunting dream that will not relent pulls author Kent Nerburn back into the hidden world of Native America, where dreams have meaning, animals are teachers, and the "old ones" still have powers beyond our understanding. In this moving narrative, we trav …

The X-Verse is populated by many powerful women...and these adventures star some of the most amazing of all! As a young Jean Grey finds her feet among the original X-Men, Professor X enlists the world's top female super hero to mentor her: the Invisible W …

Why Do I Do That? adapts the basic strategies of psychodynamic psychotherapy to a guided course in self-exploration, highlighting the universal role of defense mechanisms in warding off emotional pain. With easy-to-understand explanations, the first part …

Take 100 no-equipment Darebee workouts with you, wherever you go. Stay active, get fit, build muscle tone or shed extra weight wherever you have a little time and some space. Different Darebee workouts will ensure that your muscles don't get used to the …

In 1904, a little-known Englishman named James Allen wrote a small book called As a Man Thinketh. A hundred years later, this book has become a self-empowerment classic. New World Library author and publisher Marc Allen updated this timeless gem, recastin …

Patrick is back! Can YOU help him solve 10 different mysteries? Patrick Picklebottom has a knack for critical thinking. So it's not too surprising that he and his best friend, Claire, keep coming across everyday mysteries. In school, at the local ice crea …

Call it "Zen and the Art of Farming" or a "Little Green Book," Masanobu Fukuoka's manifesto about farming, eating, and the limits of human knowledge presents a radical challenge to the global systems we rely on for our food. At the same time, it is a spir …

Twentieth anniversary edition of a landmark book that cataloged a vibrant but disappearing neighborhood in New York City In the two decades that preceded the original publication of Times Square Red, Times Square Blue, Forty-second Street, then the most i …

Miles Morales is Peter Parker's friend, super-hero namesake, crimefighting ally and...sidekick?! No way! Peter has dragged Miles to "Take Your Sidekick to Work Day," and Miles is not amused -- they're both Spider-Man! So when Peter makes a mistake that un …

Peopled by larger-than-life heroes and villains, charged with towering questions of good and evil, Atlas Shrugged is Ayn Rand's magnum opus: a philosophical revolution told in the form of an action thriller--nominated as one of America's best-loved novels …

The Marvel-Verse is full of possibilities for Miles Morales! Get to know Miles - the Spider-Man of two worlds - with these ultimately marvelous adventures! In the wake of Peter Parker's death in the Ultimate Universe, brave, young Miles steps forward with …

Collects Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #2; Spider-Gwen (2015A) #5; Spider-Gwen (2015B) #1-2, 13. The Marvel-Verse is full of danger for Spider-Gwen! What if Gwen Stacy was bitten by the radioactive spider, not Peter Parker? Find out on Earth-65! There, Gwen …

Useful while diving the Galapagos, this fish identification guide shows you the diversity, quantity and vitality of fish life in the seas that bathe the Galapagos archipelago, one of the world's natural underwater wonders.

She's seen slave dungeons in Ghana. Genocide in Rwanda. Systemic sexual abuse in Brazil. Child abuse and domestic violence in the US. After forty years of counseling abuse survivors around the world, Dr. Diane Langberg, a world renowned trauma expert, rem …

A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-win …

"We Are the Luckiest is a masterpiece. It's the truest, most generous, honest, and helpful sobriety memoir I've read. It's going to save lives." -- Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Love Warrior: A Memoir What could possibly be "lucky …

An elegantly hair-raising collection of Edith Wharton's ghost stories, selected and with a preface written by the author herself. No history of the American uncanny tale would be complete without mention of Edith Wharton, yet many of Wharton's most dedica …

Write to Explore and Express the Wild Beauty of Your Heart Meredith Heller invites you to write as a path toward self-understanding and as a lifelong refuge of steadfast friendship with yourself. She used the power of writing to heal and save her own lif …

The word pretty doesn't only refer to how someone looks. Pretty Loved showcases all of the different and wonderful qualities that babies have that their parents love about them. I smile wide, I feel such pride, my heart pounds in my chest, I know for sure …