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A science-backed guide for navigating and thriving through uncertainty--based on interviews and insights from world-renowned leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives. Whether you're searching for courage to start a new project, change ca …

Imagine, if you can, the world of business - without corporate strategy. Remarkably, fifty years ago that's the way it was. Businesses made plans, certainly, but without understanding the underlying dynamics of competition, costs, and customers. It was li …

Why the gender gap persists and how we can close it. For years women have made up the majority of college-educated workers in the United States. In 2019, the gap between the percentage of women and the percentage of men in the workforce was the smallest o …

Look around your office. Turn on the TV. Incompetent leadership is everywhere, and there's no denying that most of these leaders are men. In this timely and provocative book, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic asks two powerful questions: Why is it so easy for incom …

Stop pushing products--and start cultivating relationships with the right customers. If you read nothing else on marketing that delivers competitive advantage, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Revie …

Are you a good boss--or a great one? Good bosses can handle the day-to-day work of running a team. Great bosses go beyond that, finding ways to help employees become better versions of themselves as people and professionals. But as a manager, how do you r …

You can change your company's culture. Organizational culture often feels like something that has a life of its own. But leaders are the stewards of a company's culture and have the power to shape and even change it. If you read nothing else on building a …

Kids deserve a better digital future. Help them create it. When it comes to raising children in a digital world, every parent feels underprepared and overwhelmed. We worry that our children will become addicted to online games, be victims of cyberbullying …

"Much of what we experience in life results from a combination of skill and luck." -- From the Introduction The trick, of course, is figuring out just how many of our successes (and failures) can be attributed to each--and how we can learn to tell the dif …

Negotiation--whether brokering a deal, mediating a dispute, or writing up a contract--is both a necessary and challenging aspect of business life. This guide helps managers to sharpen their skills and become more effective deal makers in any situation.

How to Resolve the Really Hard Problems Every manager makes tough calls--it comes with the job. And the hardest decisions are the "gray areas"--situations where you and your team have worked hard to find an answer, you've done the best analysis you can, a …

A roadmap and best practices that allow firms to leverage existing assets and pinpoint areas where new capabilities must be developed.Useful, clear-eyed framework: Gupta has an HBS- and real-world-tested framework to help readers know where to begin.Fresh …

What really sets the best managers above the rest? It's their power to build a cadre of employees who have great inner work lives--consistently positive emotions; strong motivation; and favorable perceptions of the organization, their work, and their coll …

A personal code for living a better, happier, more successful kind of life Some people seem to find life easy. They glide effortlessly onwards and upwards, always saying and doing the right things, whatever the situation. Everybody likes them - they are g …

Named one of "10 Management Classics for 2022" by Thinkers50 Why can some organizations innovate time and again, while most cannot? You might think the key to innovation is attracting exceptional creative talent. Or making the right investments. Or breaki …

Making the leap to management and leadership In your career, or anyone's, there is one transition that stands out as the most crucial--going from individual contributor to competent manager. New managers have to learn how to lead others rather than do the …

Time is limited. Attention is scarce. Are you engaging your customers? Apple Stores, Disney, LEGO, Starbucks. Do these names conjure up images of mere goods and services, or do they evoke something more--something visceral? Welcome to the Experience Econo …

In Collaboration, author Morten Hansen takes aim at what many leaders inherently know: in today's competitive environment, companywide collaboration is an imperative for successful strategy execution, yet the sought-after synergies are rarely, if ever, re …

Authenticity is the key to being an inspiring leader. But what does that really mean for your leadership, every day? Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones argue it takes "being yourself, in context, with skill," and show readers how to do it.New preface from the au …

Sales isn't about pushing products or being efficient; it's about building the right systems to manage and empower your salespeople. If you read nothing else on sales, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review; artic …

More than 250,000 public sector managers in the United States take on new positions each year and many more aspire to leadership. Each will confront special challenges--from higher public profiles to a greater number of stakeholders to volatile political …

The two landmark books, Blue Ocean Strategy and Beyond Disruption, that together challenge everything you thought you knew about winning the future. These two iconic books, Blue Ocean Strategy and Beyond Disruption, together changed how the world thinks a …

Radical Advice for Reinventing Talent--and HR Most executives today recognize the competitive advantage of human capital, and yet the talent practices their organizations use are stuck in the twentieth century. Typical talent-planning and HR processes are …

Leadership and management lessons from the sports world. The world's elite athletes and coaches achieve high performance through inspiring leadership, mental toughness, and direction-setting strategic choices. Harvard Business Review has talked to many of …

AI is ready for business. Are you ready for AI? From financial modeling and product design to performance management and hiring decisions, AI and machine learning are becoming everyday tools for managers at businesses of all sizes. But AI systems come wit …

Web3 may be the next big disrupter in business. Don't be caught unprepared. Blockchain and crypto aren't just for speculators anymore--they're the backbone of the rising decentralized internet. Web3 has the potential to rewrite the past decade's rules: mo …

Don't fly blind. See how the power of experiments works for you. When it comes to improving customer experiences, trying out new business models, or developing new products, even the most experienced managers often get it wrong. They discover that intuiti …

The foundation of great leadership is kindness The world needs leaders who have the strength to be kind. The Return on Kindness challenges companies to set a higher bar and reimagine what great leadership looks like. Kindness isn't what you think it is. K …

Talent guru and bestselling author Bruce Tulgan describes a simple, powerful new approach for gaining influence, beating overcommitment, and getting things done in today's flat, open, and interdependent workplace.Starkly highlights the challenges and frus …

Imagine if the multinational hotel groups had founded Airbnb, or the big auto companies had launched Uber and Tesla, or Blockbuster had created Netflix. Large companies can start new ventures. You have ideas, talent, brand, capital--you have customers--yo …

To innovate profitably, you need more than just creativity. Do you have what it takes? If you read nothing else on inspiring and executing innovation, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive …

Safety. It's a basic human need, a workplace right, a misunderstood concept with situational importance, and a challenging word to apply. It's also a science. To be safe, you need to know about things like electrical theory, ergonomics, and standards appl …

Organizations are addicted to collaboration as the default mode of work and they assume it's good. It's not. Collaboration overload plagues us in ways that prevent us from being our best selves at work and in our lives. But there is an answer: Precision c …

Emotional inclusion-- putting Emotional Intelligence into Action for sustainable change in the workforce When Mollie Rogers Jean De Dieu founded Emotional Inclusion(R) in the workforce three years ago, she was on a mission to rid emotional unwellness sham …

Collaborator. Communicator. Connector. Coach. As a mid-level manager, you're being tasked with more than ever before. You're expected to lead innovation, develop talent, execute on strategy, create an inclusive culture, and help your people adapt to const …

Performance management is changing. Adapt your approach along with it. For decades, performance management has been seen as an annual chore by managers and HR departments alike. But this process is changing, and there are ways to make it more effective at …

A well-crafted business plan generates enthusiasm for your idea and boosts your odds of success--whether you're proposing a new initiative within your organization or starting an entirely new company. Creating Business Plans quickly walks you through the …

A strategic guide to employing the most-talked-about--and potentially most disruptive--technology of the decade.The authors' simple model is easy to understand, and clarifying for busy executives who have heard so much about AI but haven't wrapped their h …

Most people feel at odds with their organizations at one time or another: Managers with families struggle to balance professional and personal responsibilities in often unsympathetic firms. Members of minority groups strive to make their organizations bet …

Make the connections that will help you succeed--and advance faster. Networking doesn't stop once you've landed the job. Building a high-quality, diverse network is key to learning and growth, influencing others, and launching your ideas. But how do you m …

Anyone can think more creatively and unlock innovation. Creativity is the key to innovation, but too many projects and teams are organized in ways that stifle new ideas. You need to ensure that creativity can thrive-and that you are part of the process. F …

Building anti-racist companies by design creates great places to work for all. Business leaders ready to take a bold stance to make the world better for employees, for consumers, and for the greater community: Read this book. As leaders, you have the uniq …

How to succeed at work and life--in an increasingly unpredictable world In a world where you can no longer plan or predict your way to success, how can you achieve your most important goals? It's a daunting question. But in today's environment, where chan …

Fame is like lightning. Taylor Swift, Bob Dylan, Leonardo da Vinci, Jane Austen, Oprah Winfrey--all of them were struck. Why? What if they hadn't been? Consider the most famous music group in history. What would the world be like if the Beatles never exis …

In the spring of 2010, Harvard Business School's graduating class asked HBS professor Clay Christensen to address them--but not on how to apply his principles and thinking to their post-HBS careers. The students wanted to know how to apply his wisdom to t …

A leader's singular job is to get results. But even with all the leadership training programs and "expert" advice available, effective leadership still eludes many people and organizations. One reason, says Daniel Goleman, is that such experts offer advi …

You aspire to lead with greater impact. The problem is you're busy executing on today's demands. You know you have to carve out time from your day job to build your leadership skills, but it's easy to let immediate problems and old mind-sets get in the wa …

The ultimate guide to data visualization and information design for business. Making good charts is a must-have skill for managers today. The vast amount of data that drives business isn't useful if you can't communicate the valuable ideas contained in th …

No one can be totally prepared to become the leader. But judging by turnover numbers in the CEO ranks, many aren't prepared at all. For CEOs and aspiring leaders to succeed, they need to shift their mindset. Rather than focus on the skills needed to becom …

Intimidated by corporate finance? The numbers (and the jargon) can feel overwhelming--but you have to understand them to manage effectively. Finance Basics explains the fundamentals simply and quickly, introducing you to key terms and concepts such as: Ho …

New tools for managing complexity Does your organization manage complexity by making things more complicated? If so, you are not alone. According to The Boston Consulting Group's fascinating Complexity Index, business complexity has increased sixfold duri …

High-growth organizations need high-growth individuals Startups, growth-stage companies, and private equity-backed companies all have one thing in common: They need high-growth individuals to execute high-growth plans. As a leader trying to achieve ambiti …

Forget about the hard bargain. Whether you're discussing the terms of a high-stakes deal, forming a key partnership, asking for a raise, or planning a family event, negotiating can be stressful. One person makes a demand, the other concedes a point. In th …

Dataviz--the new language of business A good visualization can communicate the nature and potential impact of information and ideas more powerfully than any other form of communication. For a long time "dataviz" was left to specialists--data scientists an …

Do you have the right strategy to lead your company into the future? Get more of the management ideas you want, from the authors you trust, with HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy (Vol. 2). We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles an …

A Washington Post Bestseller Not all collaboration is smart. Make sure you do it right. Professional service firms face a serious challenge. Their clients increasingly need them to solve complex problems--everything from regulatory compliance to cybersecu …

Five invaluable lessons for doing sustainability right, doing it profitably, and getting the credit you deserve. Did the title of this book get your attention? Good. Because as silly as it is, the idea behind it is serious, earnest, and authentic: you can …

Combat age discrimination in your workplace. Everyone experiences age-related bias at some point in their careers, but for women the costs are greater. Sure, there are laws and organizational rules prohibiting age-related discrimination, but lived experie …

All companies must grow to survive--but only one in five growth strategies succeeds. In Profit from the Core, strategy expert Chris Zook revealed how to grow profitably by focusing on and achieving full potential in the core business. But what happens whe …

Your boss plays an important role in your career. So how do you navigate this delicate, significant professional relationship without playing political games or compromising your character? Managing Up offers concise, expert tips on: Understanding your ma …

Get ready to make the biggest jump of your career. The chasm separating managers from leaders is widening as the skills required to be an effective leader grow in number and complexity. But you're ambitious. You want to cross that chasm. And your organiza …

Finding fulfillment in both love and work isn't easy--but it's possible. The majority of couples today are dual-career couples. As anyone who's part of such a relationship knows, this presents big challenges: trying to raise kids and achieve career goals …

Why are your smartest and most successful employees often the worst learners? Likely, they haven't had the opportunities for introspection that failure affords. So when they do fail, instead of critically examining their own behavior, they cast blame outw …

When Profit from the Core was published in 2001, it became an international bestseller, helping hundreds of companies find their way back to profitable growth after the bursting of the Internet bubble. The 2007 global financial meltdown reaffirmed the pe …

You have to talk with a colleague about a fraught situation, but you're worried that they'll yell, or blame you, or shut down. You fear your emotions could block you from a resolution. But you can communicate in a way that's constructive--not combative. D …

"What does a workplace utopia look like to you?" This is the question Dr. Ella F. Washington asks company leaders, and often she hears about an ideal vision of an organization that values diversity and inclusion and wants employees to bring their whole se …

Find success in a workplace dominated by men. Sexism. Self-doubt. Invisibility. When you're one of the only women in your workplace, it can be difficult to gain your footing. Organizations need to change, but in the meantime, women can find success in the …

Embracing the Counterintuitive Side of Collaboration Think of your to-do list at work. Chances are the most important tasks require you to work with others--and the success of those endeavors depends on the effectiveness of your collaboration. According t …

Take your business education to the next level--and drive your career forward. If you read nothing else to stand out in class and prepare for what's next, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and select …

Based on in-depth, inside experience at Tencent, Alibaba, Huawei, DiDi, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Supercell, two experts on organization and leadership reveal what some of the most innovative organizational models in the world really look like and how …

We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: with ambition, drive, and talent, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession regardless of where you started out. But with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies today aren't managing their knowl …

The one primer you need to launch, lead, and sponsor successful projects. We're now living in the project economy. The number of projects initiated in all sectors has skyrocketed, and project management skills have become essential for every leader and ma …

You can be the leader you want to be--today and every day. Do you find yourself wishing you had more hours in the day? Do you want to do more, yet feel you just can't add another thing to your plate without being overwhelmed by stress or compromising your …

A Must Reads on career success that will help you think about managing the arc of your career, covering classic issues from assessing your strengths to setting goals to reinventing yourself.We've collected the best of everything we've published on managin …

Use design thinking for competitive advantage. If you read nothing else on design thinking, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you use design thinking to p …

The best entrepreneurs balance brilliant business ideas with a rigorous commitment to serving their customers' needs. If you read nothing else on entrepreneurship and startups, read these 10 articles by experts in the field. We've combed through hundreds …

A new classic, recommended by leaders and media around the world In this bestselling book, authors Jeff Dyer (Innovation Capital and The Innovator's Method), Hal Gregersen (Questions Are the Answer), and Clayton M. Christensen (The Innovator's Dilemma, Th …

Meet Justin Campbell. He's a new MBA graduate who's landed a job with a strategy consultancy. His engagement team is on a mission: help HGS Inc., a specialty chemicals firm, define and execute a strategy for exploiting a textile technology the company dev …

Is your business playing it safe&#8212or taking the right risks? If you read nothing else on managing risk, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help your company …

How does a business broker consistently maintain a closing ratio higher than 83 percent when the industry average hovers around 22 percent? It has taken years of experience, strategic decisions, and a focus on organization and preparation. For the first t …

An introduction to the most enduring ideas on management from Harvard Business Review Change is the one constant in business, and we must adapt or face obsolescence. Yet certain challenges never go away. That's what makes this book "must read." These are …

In challenging times, companies must serve their customers faster and more efficiently. This makes improving your business processes more critical than ever. In this book, you'll learn key steps for carrying out a business process improvement initiative, …

To be a successful manager, you need to master the skills that characterize strategic thinking--from examining situations to interpreting information--and know how to apply those skills on the job. In Thinking Strategically, you'll learn to: Understand wh …

An organization's fate hinges on its CEO--right? Not according to the authors of Senior Leadership Teams. They argue that in today's world of neck-snapping change, demands on leaders in top roles are rapidly outdistancing the capabilities of any one pers …

An argument for simplicity from the bestselling authors of Profit from the Core Is radical reinvention the key to winning in today's fast-paced world? Not judging by the results of some of the world's best-performing companies. In Repeatability, Chris Zoo …

Gold Medal Winner for Best Leadership Book in the 2021 Axiom Business Book Awards Named one of the "Top Ten Technology Books Of 2020" &#8212 Forbes Named one of the "10 Best New Business Books of 2020" by Inc. magazine "Johnson and Suskewicz have raised a …

Can we solve big public problems anymore? Yes, we can. This provocative and inspiring book points the way. The huge challenges we face are daunting indeed: climate change, crumbling infrastructure, declining public education and social services. At the sa …

Does it seem you've formulated a rock-solid strategy, yet your firm still can't get ahead? If so, construct a solid foundation for business execution--an IT infrastructure and digitized business processes to automate your company's core capabilities. In E …

Companies that don't use AI will soon be obsolete. From making faster, better decisions to automating rote work to enabling robots to respond to emotions, AI and machine learning are already reshaping business and society. What should you and your company …

In the spring of 2010, Harvard Business School's graduating class asked HBS professor Clay Christensen to address them--but not on how to apply his principles and thinking to their post-HBS careers. The students wanted to know how to apply his wisdom to t …

Learn to assess the situation, manage your emotions, and move on. While some of us enjoy a lively debate with colleagues and others prefer to suppress our feelings over disagreements, we all struggle with conflict at work. Every day we navigate an office …

A year of HBR's essential thinking on tech--all in one place. Easy-to-use AI tools, contactless commerce, crypto for business, the mature metaverse--new technologies like these are reshaping organizations at the hybrid office, on factory floors, and in th …

Become a Digital Master--No Matter What Business You're In If you think the phrase "going digital" is only relevant for industries like tech, media, and entertainment--think again. In fact, mobile, analytics, social media, sensors, and cloud computing hav …

We live in a time of relentless change. The only thing that's certain is that new challenges and opportunities will emerge that are virtually unimaginable today. How can we know which skills will be required to succeed? In Five Minds for the Future, bests …

Learn to be a better negotiator--and achieve the outcomes you want. If you read nothing else on how to negotiate successfully, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones t …

Make every minute count. Your calendar is full, and yet your meetings don't always seem to advance your work. Problems often arise with unrealistic or vague agendas, off-track conversations, tuned-out participants who don't know why they're there, and fol …

Fuel a child's ABC learning through the power of S.T.E.A.M. Give your little engineer a jump-start with this fun, inspiring way to master their ABCs. From Aqueduct to Zone, ABC Engineering Book introduces young children to basic engineering concepts with …

Does it seem like you never have enough time to get everything done? Keeping on top of your tasks, deadlines, and work schedule can be daunting. Managing Time quickly walks you through the basics. You'll learn to: Assess how you spend your time nowPriorit …

The New York Times bestseller and seminal work on disruption--for every company seeking new growth. Clayton Christensen's bestselling book, The Innovator's Dilemma, introduced the groundbreaking idea of disruptive innovation, revealing how even well-run c …

As CEO, you set the vision, the strategy, and the tone of your organization. You establish priorities, anticipate and address challenges, champion and lead change efforts, set people up for success, and manage risk. Though you may have a great senior exec …